waterfarm ph rising


Active Member
I have a waterfarm 8 pack system. I have a r/o system that brings my water to 7.0 ph and 8ppm. I ph balance my water to 6.0, i just planted my clones 3 days ago and i am running just water no nutes. I am using a sunleaves drop kit to measure my water with.

Here is my question, I took a reading about 3 min after I filled the waterfarm out of the drip ring and it read in the 8 range for ppm. It doesnt seem like my ph could rise that quick. I rinsed the hydroton before I put it in my system. I dont want to kill my baby KC jones plants. Any and all help would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
I dont actually understand your question, but it seems like maybe you are confusing ph and ppm. ppm = parts per million (and is the dissolved solids in the water) ph is the acid or alkali measurement

Apologies if ive got it wrong and you already knew this. :peace:


Active Member
no problem bigby and thanks for your quick reply. My only concern is my ph rising so fast. The ppm isnt even part of my question, i just was trying to give an overall picture. I cant figure out why or how my ph can jump from 6.0 to 8.0 in a matter of minutes. I wonder if my ph test kit is faulty.


Well-Known Member
So, let me get this right. You're putting the water in at 6ph, and then 3 mins later it rises to 8ph without you having added anything?


Well-Known Member
Wow, just checked out the waterfarm 8 pack system - that's one impressive looking set up.


Active Member
Yes, I cleaned out my entire system.Lowered my r/o water from 7.0 to 6.0 waited 45 min and then poured it in the buckets and res. The system took about 3 min to start dripping and I tested my water coming out of the drip ring. It came out in the 8 range (blue on the scale). I believe hydroton is ph nuetral so I dont think pouring the water over the rocks could do that but I could be wrong. Do you test with a ph meter or one of those ph drop kits?


Well-Known Member
I use the ph indicator liquid. Started at first with a cheap meter but it wasnt up to the job. A decent ph meter would be the best tool though.

Very strange that its rising like that though. Sounds like there is something in the reservoir that's raising the ph.

Having done a little bit of research on your behalf I found this
Bombastic said:
Be sure to condition your clay balls in a nutrient solution of ph 4 overnight to stop the ph getting to high
here - http://forum.grasscity.com/advanced-growing-techniques/201860-anyone-using-water-farm-8-pack-general-hydro.html - not sure how relevant to your situation it is though.