weed ruins friendships


Well-Known Member
Kinda like a predator stalking the pack , looking for the weakest one ,, when the time is right you pounce, and rip the neck in 1/2...............

karma is a bitch..............................................................

Unless you live in the wilds of Africa


Well-Known Member
It can with mooches.

I had three people when I was in college who were my main smokin buds, we'd all bring our own and it would be like one pinch hers, one pinch his, one pinch his...ect.

I was great and we'd have great mixed hits because we'd but our own bags from other places.
best idea thats what me and my friends do, we all put something in whenever we chill(weed, piece, swishers, etc.)

Kinda like a predator stalking the pack , looking for the weakest one ,, when the time is right you pounce, and rip the neck in 1/2...............

karma is a bitch..............................................................

Unless you live in the wilds of Africa
good shit...fuck my sac was looking light this time...oh well its gone now...but what if I'm an instrument of Karma in this situation? Maybe he did something to someone and I'm repaying him? But then I get bad Karma...making karma an ongoing cycle of bad "luck" if you believe in luck. I think everything happens for a reason...not justifying what I did/do just a thought that I ran with:arrow:

if that was even a reply to me that is^


Well-Known Member
Kinda like a predator stalking the pack , looking for the weakest one ,, when the time is right you pounce, and rip the neck in 1/2...............

karma is a bitch..............................................................

Unless you live in the wilds of Africa

lol. Killing them softly, what a pitty.


Well-Known Member
Weed is a tribal drug. If you whip out a blunt in front of other people, you do so in the knowledge that any of those other people will circle around you with the full expectation of getting in on it.

If you do not intend to share, do your smoking in private.


Well-Known Member
Weed is a tribal drug. If you whip out a blunt in front of other people, you do so in the knowledge that any of those other people will circle around you with the full expectation of getting in on it.

If you do not intend to share, do your smoking in private.
BINGO. I have a friends that smoked without passing and it really did cause tension. There were four of us in the room and we were all like, WTF?

Never do that myself, if you are in the room when I light, you are offered first right of refusal. Just the way it is in my tradition.


Well-Known Member
well you guys have no idea wut situations im put in. thers usualy like 5 people in the room at all time and at that time there was 6-7 others. I smoke them enough weed as it is i just ask to smoke some weed to myself for once u know. these kids dont have jobs they live off of welfare.


Well-Known Member
see the thing is im growing at their house cause i cannot grow where i live. I threatened to take all the plants and shit too and move them and thats wut got them to say sorry and shit. I have no choice to grow there or i wouldnt be growing at all. they are still my friends but shit got really ockward after last night. I just want this harvest to come wich is gona be a while so i can get my share and bounce.

Now really duff420. Stop and have a real hard think about what you've just related. I started to reply, but was advised to read the rest of thread (thanx Ph03nix). I saw how you said that you do ALL the work on this grow, and that you put in all the money. But, just look at the situation.
You can't grow where you live. You have to grow at their place. THEIR place. If it all goes Ka-Ka, it is your 'friends' who are going to get busted. They carry a greater deal of risk in that grow than you do.

Duff, if I could find someone who would let me grow a crop inside their place, I'd be happy to keep them supplied in weed. I am going to sound like an old fart, but bloke, you really need to get to know what side your bread is buttered on.


Well-Known Member
When I smoke I make sure theres enough for everybody to roll their own spliff. They can pass it round all they want then. Same goes when my friends supply. Your a young 20 if you ask me. Your growing at someone elses house and your calling the muches? I think a deal should be made before a grow even started in someone elses house. 60/40 etc etc.. Grow up.


Well-Known Member
well you guys have no idea wut situations im put in. thers usualy like 5 people in the room at all time and at that time there was 6-7 others. I smoke them enough weed as it is i just ask to smoke some weed to myself for once u know. these kids dont have jobs they live off of welfare.
Whatever situation you are in, you put yourself in it.

Everyone who has ever brought weed to a social setting has dealt with parasites who never seem to have any on them when it is their turn to pass one around. Even so, it is bad form to smoke in front of other people without offering.

I'll repeat my advice because it applies to any situation. If you do not intend to share, smoke in private.