Welcome New Members!

What's up guys and gals? I'm here because I'm sick of paying more than I should be paying for mid grade, and not having a reliable source, so I decided to start growing my own.
hi all im rob im from australia.ive just got back from amsterdam and brought back some feminized seeds.i havent grown for a while, the last system i used was a nft system.it worked well but im now keen on trying out a aeroponic system.is it true you get better growth rates and yields with aeroponics systems?thanks
I am brand new to this so bear with me. I am wondering if the seeds you get in your weed are ok to use for growing or weather there is another source that would be better?
I am brand new to this so bear with me. I am wondering if the seeds you get in your weed are ok to use for growing or weather there is another source that would be better?
depends what you are smoking, I see nothing wrong with using bag seed. Once again I would need to know how good the weed is but many seed banks have seeds with awesome gentics but they cost a bit. If it's your first time use some bagseed and see where it takes you otherwise go find something you want at a seed bank.
thanks, the weed is decent so i figure the seeds should be ok, but where could i find a seed bank? is that like a store or what?
sure is, just remeber two rules try not to pay with a credit card and get it delivered to an address different than where you are growing.

Here are 2 banks I have used.

Dr Chronics Cannabis seeds bank
Marijuana Seeds, Cannabis Seeds Online

I like dr chronic a lot, they are quick have a wide variety and they have excellent stealth....oh and they are in the UK. Seedking is good at getting you seeds too never had a problem and the seeds aren;t the best but they aren't the worst either. Plus you get free seeds with every order.
I am brand new to this so bear with me. I am wondering if the seeds you get in your weed are ok to use for growing or weather there is another source that would be better?

i found this seed in my friends VAPORIZER,,,



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I don't believe I made proper introductions. I am Sweet Mattness. I currently have five females. Sativas and Big Buds. Check out gallery. Been diggin this place so far. Lots of great knowledge from some great peeps. Look forward to asking sharing!
uhm... this might sound stupid, but i know how to grow weed and all, but is their any way i could like... dig a hole in my garden and grow weed in indoor conditions inside the hole? i have plenty of indoor space, but if my family found out i was growing skunk, they wouldnt care, if my mother found out, id be hopping crutches for the next 3 years. i have a closet, but i use the room, so if i hooked up the closet, and sealed it off, would their be ANY odour? and will the noise of the setup be louder than a conventional PC fan? my neighbours wouldnt realy care either, i live in a high-crime inner city area, most of em deal it or smoke it themselves. i just wanna grow enough weed for about 50 small blunts, or a plant or 2s worth for myself, maybe a close friend, and thats pretty much it. if its gonna be indoors, i want NO SMELL AT ALL, I MEAN ZILCH, ZATTA, NOPE, NOTHING, as if you were smelling normal air, and i want NO NOISE, OR THE SAME AMOUNT OF NOISE A CONVENTIONAL PC MAKES (take to note that this will be in a sealed off cupboard. luckily i have a spare room which is a study at the moment, but has 2 closets and 1 inbuilt closet. i wanna convert it int o a small grow room. can i do all of this for £200 or under? i have no money atm, but getting some in a couple of months with any luck.
i have one cupboard which is fairly tall, and very wide, one which is very tall bur thin, and one closet type room which is narrow, and the largest, but the ceiling is VERY high up. which would be the best? do u need measurements?
lastly, can you recommend seeds which are under £25, grow fairly easily with little care, with fairly large yeilds, with a high female rate, which grow fairly quickly? and if i discover a male growing, why is it so important that i get rid of it?

Thanks in advance,

Hi all,

Im new to growing. I recently got my medical authorization and I am looking to start a hydroponic setup here in my apartment.

Gonna poke around a bit and read what I can before i make any posts.

*I am planning on a 3'x3'x5' grow space.
*Consisdering Drip vs. NFT
*Considering 400w MH vs HPS
*Need a source for White Widow seeds
*going to use pvc pipe to construct the 3x3x5 greenhouse and yet to determine type of liner to wrap around it- possibly shower curtain material.
*Start small with 4 or 5 plants.

I am hoping to find homemade budget setups. I dont see a reason to spend 350 bones or so on a turnkey system. So I will be making my own using materials from Home Depot and fish/aquarium stores.

lata :joint:
Heyeveyone! Just letting u all know this site is awsome! Finally i can talk to people about all my growing questions and concerns!!! I LOVE IT!!!!

whats up guys? im kris. not growing yet since i still live with my parents and all but thought i'd start reading up on stuff
anyone no the phone number for the ontario seedbank in mississauga ontario im from london area and don,t feel like driveing to ottawa and i don,t want to do it by mail.
is there a suggested time to change the timing on the light setup... im running at 18on/6off... to let them grow taller... i got one its prolly about a foot tall and the other is maybe 8 inches... when should i swtich to a veg state of 12/12?
This is the best grow forum! I spend hours learning from all the experienced growers on here. Now I don't have to listen to my stoned friends tell me how to grow my shit. Peace