what do you think?


Well-Known Member
ive gotten in to the micros lately i got 3 little cabs i 'll post picks of 2 of them here tommorow gotta find cable to hook phone to pc converted 2 speakers put 70w hps's in them on also has a 15w led in it and built the 150 cab i was talking bout earlier the 150 isa really cool got the ballast mounted ina wooden light trap got the 150 hps clearence at lowes for $8.50 8 92mm pc fan 99cent each from micro center 3 26w cfl's 20 bux for a 12 v power supply to run the 8 pcs 3 bux for cheap key lock on door and the cabinet i built because i have access to all the free wood a want so for bout 60 bux and a weekend i can yields 1 to 1 1/2 dry just wish ida built it a little bigger cause just not enough space in there to yield more


Active Member
i cant wait to see your pics lol that sounds pretty bad ass. if i get the bulbs i have the shit some where in my shed to build a proper cabnet to grow in i might steal some ideas off ur pics lol.


Well-Known Member
its hard to tell from pics but some look heat stressed and if that light is as close as it looks in jpg21 then they probably are ,when their small like that i keep the light a little further away 6 to 8 inches works for me though others will say get em as close as ya can but i think some of those bulbs you got a 13w? never dealt with them they might need to be closer


Well-Known Member
yeah me i'd move em up abit (to 6-8) till they get a little bigger atleast for a few days i think they'll be happier just watch em and if you think their strechting you can always lower them back


alrite guys (sorry to just jump on your thread man) but need some advice on my closet grow (got pics on my profile) she around 3 weeks old now and goin sort of droopy and getting brown spots on some of the leaves any advice will be great i will list as much info as i can and thanks in advance grew from seed 60/40 soil and perlite nutes weak solution of ionic grow around every 4 days got a fine layer of bat guano on their aswell got a growlight on her but not sure of the wattage could anything what im doing be the cause of her ill health:confused:


Active Member
ivory what kind of lights do u have and how far are they away from the plant? the brown spots could be heat burn and the drooping could be heat stress. mine are heat stressed and made them droop.try moveing ur lights about 6inches away and get a fan on them.