What does 'flowering period' mean????


noob question, but i have a diesel fem i wanna grow, but i need to know how long it takes from seed to bud.

'The attitude' say the flowering period is 50-65 days?

what does that mean? it starts then? OR it is ready to harvest that many days after starting?



Well-Known Member
veg period - the time the plant is growing under an 18/6 to 24/0 light period... 18/6 = 18 hours of light and 6 hours dark.. 24/0 = 24 hours light and no dark... the length of your veg period will depends on style of grow, type of lights, type of strain, and other factors...

flowering period - the time it takes the plant to produce mature buds after the light cycle has been changed to 12/12... 56 day flowering period means it takes 8 weeks for the plant to produce mature buds... this again is done under a 12/12 light cycle..

total growth time is veg period plus flower period... 4 weeks veg plus 8 weeks flower equals a 12 week total grow...