What I have learned during my first grow.


Active Member
hey all, I learned I love this hobby it's so addictive...

I'm using cfls' and they work great for me...I have a small space and don't need heat issues. I may not have huge buds, but good enough to smoke.

LST is great, I started with a plant or 2, but sometimes it's just better to let it grow a bit and see what it's going to look like, most of mine were bagseed, so no worries.

Germing in paper towels may ruin your seed, sticks to the towel and broke the stem off...try a plastic bag in a warm spot with a bit of water...worked for me

Autoflower plants are great for beginners, some success is needed to build confidence.

Try feminized seeds, then you have females and don't waste space and nutes on males.

Autoflowers cannot be cloned, so get a good female for clones, keep her in veg so she keeps growing.

It's faster to start seeds than clones...cloning has it's advantages, but not speed.

Starting several seeds at the same time will keep germ rates up...then choose the best looking ones.

You will never have enough room.

I tried soil but like Hempy style better, easy for a beginner and less start up cost too.

Keep germing seeds a few a week for a perpetual harvest...

RUI is the best!!!


Well-Known Member
Add: It's usually easier to google your problem than wait for responses from the "pros"(and you get the satisfaction of having "manned up" and not needing another person holding your hand.)
Agree, google has taught me more then any person could! its amazing how many basic questions get asked on here, showing people arent willign to lift a finger to teach themselves the basics, they want someone to hold there hand the whole way through three grow


Well-Known Member
Amen blowingcherrypie!

I'd to add that if you google your issue, you are more likely to find a link the correct spot on RIU than by using teh site's search feature.

Learnings I would add - take care of the basics before trying to get too fancy - PH, temp, etc. Think of first grows as learning experiences. Don't overreact. And listen to your plants.


Well-Known Member
I'd to add that if you google your issue, you are more likely to find a link the correct spot on RIU than by using teh site's search feature.
Unfortunately, I agree. I do not get good results using RIU's search button
If I am interested in an answer, I usually just use google. If you are interested in some info from RIU, you can use google to search just the RIU site. For example, if interested in temperature, you could type this into google:
site:rollitup.org temperature