What is wrong?? HELP!!! ****PICS Available****


Growing INDOOR
4'x4'x8' Grow Tent
Strain - Pinnapple Kush
Soil - Fox Farm Ocean Forrest
Age - 30 Days From Seed
Nutrients - 2 teaspoons per gal (grow big) and (big Bloom) every other watering.
water - Every 3-4 days
Pot size - 1 Gallon
Veg growth (24 hrs light)
PH - 6.0-6.5
600 watt hetal halid w/ air cooled hood and carbon filter.
Temp - 76 degrees.

There are a few plants with leaves like the one above. The yellow that is on the two plants started getting yellow 2 weeks ago. Most every other plant is doing ok. but slowly and surely more are looking yellowish with brown spots. any input would be great. Also should i be doing 24/0 or 18/6. See pics below. again only 30 days into veg



Active Member
you need to add a Nitrogen rich fert to your schedule it and N,a nd othermicro nute diffishency, without a dout my sour Kushes did that also they looked really cool at first rite then they started lookin shitty thous fancy ferts your usein dont have enough micro nutes.

On another note that fan for your light works 100% better as a puller rather than a pusher needs to be the last thing on the ducting before it leaves the room evev after the filter other than that the room looks super i mean i great even with the fan were it is but it will work better like i said.

hit the star.


Two table spoons is full strength. I'm using two tea spoons. For my filter it is the last thing on the ducting. It goes like this. Carbon filter ->ducting->air-cooled hood-> ducting->inline fan-> ducting out the tent. Are u saying to put the filter outside the tent So it's the last thing. What do I use for n defficency? Dosage?


Well-Known Member
i had similar shit on my leaves, i checked the roots, they were alright, added some more soil, flushed and it started growing good again.


This is a copper deficiency and it will happen easily in a small container. This limited amount of potting mix can only hold so much micro nutrients. Start plants in the pots that you want the plant to flower and finish in. The light schedule does not matter simply because these are plants and they photosynthesize in which they are always healing and growing. They are not like humans where we need darkness and sleep to regain our serotonin and energy. As long as you give your plants all the sugars, amino acids, and the correct growing parameters, they will never have to stop growing to make their own amino acids and sugars.


Well-Known Member
This is a copper deficiency and it will happen easily in a small container. This limited amount of potting mix can only hold so much micro nutrients. Start plants in the pots that you want the plant to flower and finish in. The light schedule does not matter simply because these are plants and they photosynthesize in which they are always healing and growing. They are not like humans where we need darkness and sleep to regain our serotonin and energy. As long as you give your plants all the sugars, amino acids, and the correct growing parameters, they will never have to stop growing to make their own amino acids and sugars.
HUH ? what ever your on i'll have a kilo of it.


Well-Known Member
you need to add a Nitrogen rich fert to your schedule it and N,a nd othermicro nute diffishency, without a dout my sour Kushes did that also they looked really cool at first rite then they started lookin shitty thous fancy ferts your usein dont have enough micro nutes.

On another note that fan for your light works 100% better as a puller rather than a pusher needs to be the last thing on the ducting before it leaves the room evev after the filter other than that the room looks super i mean i great even with the fan were it is but it will work better like i said.

hit the star.
i dunno if more N is the answer here...

FF products always seemed to give me this problem. i would flush them really good and give them a small dose of food. theres a good chance there is salt build up there and nutrients lock out..