What is wrong with my plant?


This is my first grow ever. It's a Lowryder #2 feminized strain. I use a 6 L pot and mixed it about 75% potting
soil(fertilized) and 25% volcanic rocks. I know it's not ideal to plant seedlings in pre-fertilized soil, but I couldn't find any soil without nutes added. So I just flushed the soil a few times to get rid of some of the nutes.

The plant grew nicely and showed it's pistils on day 18(above soil). I only used water every other or third day as the soil nutes should last 4 weeks. But on day 25 some of the leaves suddenly turned yellow. Practially overnight. After some research I came to the conclusion that it could be a zink deficiency, and adding some potassium would fix it. Then I mixed 1ml/l biobizz grow and 1ml/l biobizz bloom and fed her. The next couple of days she looked the same. So three days later(which was yesterday) I added 2ml/l biobizz grow and 2ml/l biobizz bloom.

Today she is still looking the same. I don't want to give her any nute burns so I probably won't feed her more than 2ml/l as of yet.

By the way, I just got a ph meter and ppm meter a couple of days ago. My tapwater ph is around 7.2 with a ppm of 77. So she has been watered with ph 7.2 until I started using biobizz, which lowered the ph to 5.8

Do you guys have any advice? Should I just give her time to heal? I don't want her to suffer :-(



Well-Known Member
ahhh I hate that damn chart!

So you have been feeding her at 5.8 pH? you need to use something to bring the pH of your feed water up to proper soil levels, I think 6.5 or something around there(not sure if thats considered the sweet spot or not?) roughly. 5.8 pH is the standard for hydroponic pH, but not for soil.

Likely the yellowing is a combination of different things that will all be corrected when you fix the pH, so don't start messing around with mixing your nutes all funny, just fix the pH and you should be golden


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the picture is not really showing anything. Also, measure the ph of the runoff water, that will give us a clue as to the actual ph that's in the soil.


thanks a lot! I'm gonna make sure to keep the soil runoff ph below 6.5 and not give her too much phosphorus.. Hopefully this will help.. otherwise I might need to get some chelated iron :bigjoint:
No shit, yellow leaves like the ones in your very first pic, in your very first post, that opened this thread do not attract light as well as dark green leaves. LMAO People are all picture whores!
I agree adjust pH and go from there, since you already know that is wrong. Best to you...