Whats Her Stain? Experimental Grow


Active Member
whats up all. i have a couple of questions, but let me give you the run down first. BTW sorry if this post is in the wrong section, but Newbie Central just sounded right;-).
this grow was random and not planned, at least not to make it this far. so i got some random bagseed and said "what tha hell, lets jus see what happens." little did i know those 2 seeds would grow & turn out to be females:hump:. I started sometime in May(2nd or 3rd wk) and have went thru many mistakes and learning still. But yet here we are 2 weeks into flowering:weed:. Now I know I could do better if I were to actually prepare for this and not build piece by piece as I've been doing, but it is what it is. Also I've been using the "Marijuana SEE More Buds" book as a guideline.

Ok so far as soil and nutes go.
SOIL- Black Magic Professional Potting Soil
NUTES- Eggshells, Fish Emulsion(used 1st wk of flowering), Molasses(also used 1st wk of flowering) This is all for the moment. Planning on getting something for blooming.
LIGHTING: 11 CFLs for a total of 250w

But here are a few pics of what's going on. *PIC* 1st pic second row, I tried to FIM b/c the top was not budding at all.

My Questions:
What is/could be her strain? From the research I've been doing she looks kind of like a sativa, but I'm not entirely sure.

Also I'm on a bit of a budget, but would like to do what I can to make them better? As far as nutes and bud development go.

I know my grow isnt A-1 & some people can be over critical, so if you feel the need to talk down on my progress or what have you please leave the same way you came and blaze one for the both of us;-). This is all practice to get as good as you guys!



Well-Known Member
Doubt anyone will be able to pinpoint the strain 4u. seen many ppl ask that question and most ppl said it impossible to tell really.

Bu well done on the unplanned and random grow keep it up:)

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Yep...pretty much as said above, leaves have that typical "indica/sativa mix", look about them. Will probably be some damn sweet smoke, well done for your first time out. Good luck & good grow.......BB


Active Member
Yep, looks good to me. As long as you like your plants and the way it smokes thats all you need, to hell with any one that don't like it thats what I say. Even if you have 20 plants and you only get 20 joints out of it ( if you like it and are happy ) than it was and is a good grow!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Great against the odds grow. Bag seed, cfls, and no kinda set nute program. I say fine work. If you wanna add afforadle nutes for bud developement, just do a little looking and I'm sure you'll find something that'll fit your budget. I'm kinda broke too, so I went with the fox farm trio pack, a little bit goes a long way. Best of luck with the rest of your grow, hope your girls are good to you


Active Member
Thanx for reply's folks. I see I should have re-phrased my question better. I know that the strain cannot be pin pointed, but an idea is all I really needed. So I can know how she will flower and develope. I see Jordan293 said a cross strain and Burger Boss co-signed, so thats good enough for me. At least now I can know what sorta to expect in the future from them. I would say about 8-9wks flowering then right?
As for my FIM attempt in the first pic 2nd row, about how long does it usually take for her to recover from cutting?

@gopherbuddah. I'll look into getting some fox farms, it's just when I went to the hydro store prior they didnt have any or in. But when I went for my fish emulsion I seen some MG Bloom and opt'd out b/c Ive read/heard alot of conflicting stories about MG and didnt want to risk it. But will definitly try to get the trio pack.
Thanx again for the reply's and positive reinforcement. As for this thread I'll use it to update when there are changes or if I have more questions.


Well-Known Member
Something like that happened to me too. Bought some weed with a friend of mine and one of the buds had a few seeds (probably from a hermie or male left there). I decided to germinate the seeds and see what would come out of there. Now I have 6 plants growing but I don't know its strain (honestly, when I buy I usually don't ask about it). Still, I heard them (my friend and the guy who he was dealing with) saying it was "critical". Searching a bit I rapidly found Critical Mass, that from what I understand is the same as Big Bud, but another friend of mine told there are other strains named Critical something else (I think Critical Haze). So... should I assume it is Critical Mass or are there any other strains with critical for a name?