whats the best way to transplant soil to new soil???


New Member
i want to know whats the best way to transplant oil soil to new soil my plant is like 3 weeks old thanx!!!


Well-Known Member
Carefully. Leave as much root intact as possible and pack the surface lightly. Then of course a thurough watering along with a serving of nutrients (if the soil is not already amended with nutes).


Well-Known Member
i watered both pots good sqeezed the sides of the pot that my plant was in flipped it over and it popped right out perfectly! be careful


New Member
the problem is i dont want the soil i have now i have new soil and i dont want to have the old soil on my plant


Active Member
score into the taproot with a utility knife if possible, it'll help stop spinout and make your plant stronger....it'll be like fimming underground.


Well-Known Member
i dont water the pot my plants coming out of, i kinda prefer to let it dry b4 transplant. i just tap the sides firmly, maybe alittle squeeze, put my hand over the pot so that the stalk is between my fingers(not pinched) and tap the bottom. out it pops and like canadian says bury the root and soil a little deeper in the new pot so that the stalk is shorter providing more support. i dont add nutes i just water( my soil is miracle gro and has nutes in it). dats da way i do it.


New Member
the problem is i dont want the soil i have now i have new soil and i dont want to have the old soil on my plant
Now I'm no pro or anything, I'm only on my 4th grow but, well what's wrong with your soil anyway?
This is what I'd do if I HAD to change soil, I'd let the loose soil fall off and very gently pour luke warm water over it with a watering can or a shower nozzel till all the dirt was off them and put some of the new soil in a new bucket (unless you sterilize the old one) and put some dirt in the bottem and VERY gently put your plant in and very lightly sprinkle dirt over the roots (while still holding the plant) untill full. But like I said I'm no expert but that's what "I" would do.


New Member
the thing is that my old soilis cheap and im gettinng some homemade fox farm organic soil which is way better!!


Well-Known Member
the old soil will just merge into the new. shouldnt be any real problem. the new soil will be all around the old and ur roots are gaunna sretch into it anyway. unless yoov got a proble with it the old soil( bugs) then i dont think ur gaunna help ur plant that much by getting rid of it all. ur really askin urself if removing the soil and shocking the plant is gonna be more beneficial than just putting the old in with the new and reducing shock. toss a coin!


Well-Known Member
the problem is i dont want the soil i have now i have new soil and i dont want to have the old soil on my plant
You can soak the rootball in a big bowl of phed water. And gentle swish it around in the water to remove as much of the old soil as possible. Be gentle, you will never get 100% of the old off but can remove most of it. Then gently replant in the new soil. The only thing I would water with the first few times is just phed water with either superthrive or liquid karma to help reduce the shock. In a week or so she will be back in action.


New Member
its not bugs its just i got some super soil coming and i want to transplant but i dont want alot of the old soil mixed with the new so i think imma just cut around the seedling cuz its only 2 weeks old and pull it out and put it in the new soil what do ya think of that????


Well-Known Member
YOU CAN use all new soil for ur plants and get rid of all the old soil its possible... wat i did on my very first grow was i got the plant, flipped it upside down and got the dirt out of the pot like someone bfore me stated, i then washed the roots outside with luke warm water quickly so all the old dirt just fell off, took awhile then i filled a gallon of water up in a container and i added superthrive to it, most ppl dont use it but it does work wonders if u know how to use it and i soaked the roots in there for 15minutes then i potted that bit** up and never gotten any stress from that crazy trasplant, thought every plant is different this worked for me :D

sorry to post on an old post but this is for ppl that search on google or sumwhere and need some info on how to do this.