when to harvest? pic!


Well-Known Member
heya this is my friends only female plant after being stitch up with some male cuttings plant, unknown strain grown in bud tent under a 6oow, carbon filter and fan, vegged for 3week and now is 4weeks into budding, he says he has never had a plant that good and to him it looks nearly ready already,

what do you think?

many thanks for replys



Well-Known Member
First i think the plant has been flowering longer then 4 weeks. Its not ready yet. When the buds get hard as hell cut it down or of course the trich color has turned to your liking.


Well-Known Member
Four weeks floweing you say..The genetics seem damn good,have you looked at the trics yet?If you have pistils that are dying i would look at the trics to see what type of feel i would want.KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
Get a magnifying glass or $ store 250 reading glasses and check trichs (crystals),
cloudy to amber and they're ready.....Nice stuff man, well done


Well-Known Member
honestly it was 28days into flower when i took the pic a week ago, i got the same cuttings and started 1 day later than him, i have 4 females and none of them look as big and amazing as his 1, he says the same thing tho that plant shouldn't be like that after 28days of flower.

how do you mean trics?


Well-Known Member
If you dont have a microscope to look at the trichs, go off of the Hairs. 3/4 of them will turn orange/brown. When that happens, cut the bitch down.


Well-Known Member
thanks but like i said this plant is my friends, i wish only my 4 plants was like that


Well-Known Member
thanks he says his hairs are 3/4 brown now already tho and that he is going to start flushing tomorrow, good idea?


Well-Known Member
THIS IS A PIC TAKEN TODAY 38days into flower and he started flushing yesterday AS HIS HAIRS ARE 3/4 BROWN

