When you starting outdoor?


Well-Known Member
I think this year im just goin to plant some seeds in the woods and let mother nature do the rest, ill probably water them if it doesn't rain i think I will do the apple seed protest to, it sounds like fun.


Well-Known Member
I heard about the apple seed thing on this site, dont know if its an actual protest, but someone saved up his seeds for like a year and he is getting people to just go out and plant them everywhere, when the frost is over, police stations, libarys everywhere!


Well-Known Member
when is every one starting their outdoor grow for this year?.... southwestern new england advice?
I start inside around late march early april, then outside when there's no frost at night. I'm in Quebec works great. Sept, Oct. nice 8 footers


Well-Known Member
I heard about the apple seed thing on this site, dont know if its an actual protest, but someone saved up his seeds for like a year and he is getting people to just go out and plant them everywhere, when the frost is over, police stations, libarys everywhere!
ha ha ha, that is pretty much exactly what i was going to do except not by libraries and cop stations, i have a couple hundred seeds and i am going all around planting them, the only problem is if i try to harvest them all, i will have all seeds :(


Well-Known Member
thanks guys... my plan was to start inside late march..... and have them outside by may... mid may... it seems that its goin to warm up quick this spring. We will find out.
thanks again.