which way to plant seed into soil? pics included.


Active Member
Ive been doing alot of research on which way to plant the seed in the soil. everybody says different things...

spourt side down.. sprout side up.. i just want to know the best way to do it lol i found these pics on another website.


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i have heard of both ways and i dont think it matters, but i always place seed with the tap root down in the soil.

a lot of people dont worry about it and just plant the seed in the soil without pre-germination.


Active Member
I germinate in rockwool, I stick the side it connected to the bud upward. I just feel when the root comes out it comes out gowing downward. But in reality it doesnt matter. The taproot knows to go down and the plant up.


Well-Known Member
I germinate in rockwool cubes and just put the seed in. The taproot seeks the water and ends up moving down no matter how the seed lays in the hole. But if you've already got a taproot going, why make it do extra work? Root down. Some people may say root up because it's less likely to break that way, but if you're careful you shouldn't have a problem.


Well-Known Member
they will sprout either way. my personal opinion is that point upwards will give the plant more leverage to pop out of the ground and shed its shell. But whatever you do, dont dig up your seeds to check on them like i did lol! succesfully killed 3 of my 5 plants before they even got started, luckily i had some freebie seeds to put in


Well-Known Member
not something to worry about. I just pok a pinky finger sized hole in soil about a half inch deep and drop a seed in then cover it up works great


Active Member
they will sprout either way. my personal opinion is that point upwards will give the plant more leverage to pop out of the ground and shed its shell. But whatever you do, dont dig up your seeds to check on them like i did lol! succesfully killed 3 of my 5 plants before they even got started, luckily i had some freebie seeds to put in
hahahaha i did the same thing with my first grow! killed my seed also... lol unfortunetly i only had one seed :/ well thanks for all the input fellas!