White Widow Grow


Well-Known Member
Well, good news, officially it was 3/4 females from the bagseed...caught the male quite early so no worries about bagseed pollination...so I'm going to do all this under 400w MH/HPs, that be enough for possibly 13 plants?


Well-Known Member
Yah, my Veg is a 2x2x4 tent with CFLs, but for right now, they are all under the MH 16/8. going to let them get some size to them...speaking about the WW....and my bagseed will be mothers in which I will put in the tent as soon as i get it set up...while still Vegging the WW's under the MH along with the clones.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm being impatient, but those 2 sprouts are the only ones still to break the surface, and are almost to the top of the humidity dome...going to uncover for them to receive full light, see how they like it, i'll cover tonight for humidity.


Well-Known Member
i grew 9 ww 5 months ago , strong ass weed doesnt need alot of nutes to get a high yied . i clipped the top of mine and made 4 branches, awsome budding pattern i'd ever seen.


Well-Known Member
Finally got my inline fan up and running. 170CFM in a 2x5x6 I think that will be plenty temps and humidity aren't changed by this as of yet, but I can't smell my plants anymore =(


Well-Known Member
Man this makes me mad...I guess I put the seeds too deep into the pucks, after a couple of days 3 popped and the rest i could tell were trying to come through because the soil was pushing up, but I left it be and said that it would take care of itself and push on through, after a few more days i got to poking around in the pucks and seen that some of them were white in color and just down in the soil too deep, should I help them out or just let it continue?


Well-Known Member
Man this makes me mad...I guess I put the seeds too deep into the pucks, after a couple of days 3 popped and the rest i could tell were trying to come through because the soil was pushing up, but I left it be and said that it would take care of itself and push on through, after a few more days i got to poking around in the pucks and seen that some of them were white in color and just down in the soil too deep, should I help them out or just let it continue?
if it makes you feel any better i just played basketball with my seedlings by dropping their tray on the floor. i'd hate to give you advice on this one. maybe help some, let others on their own. at least you're spreading your risk.


Well-Known Member
if it makes you feel any better i just played basketball with my seedlings by dropping their tray on the floor. i'd hate to give you advice on this one. maybe help some, let others on their own. at least you're spreading your risk.

I'm really confident they can't do it on their own, but I hate to mess up what little roots that have a hold...I think I'll just rake some off the top, to give them an easier out...


Well-Known Member
You know I will, did you top your WW mane? I topped the bagseed when they were very young and did great, going to wait until the 4th node this time to top, since the strain is sativa dominant.


Well-Known Member
You know I will, did you top your WW mane? I topped the bagseed when they were very young and did great, going to wait until the 4th node this time to top, since the strain is sativa dominant.
don't know about mane but i topped my carmelicious (also sativa dominant)at the fifth node and the side colas took off as well as having the top two colas. i ended up with 8 colas at the top of the canopy.