White Widow, White Rhino and One Jackpot Joker spot.


Well-Known Member
So i decidet to do some journal.

i got 1 big White Widow, 1 White Rhino just 3dr set of leaves try to come, 1 jock horror, it's nice green and got tiny hair cut. then i got big bang comin but it's just side eye and then i got the joker pot, one drum filled with soil and there i got 3 plants:

NYCD, Aurora Indica and third one is well im not sure :) it's maybe Aurora Indica, ICE or Jock Horror. we will see it later bongsmilie

then i got one joker spot in the side of eye, there i got: 2 Aurora Indica and one ICE, they are just 1 week old shit heads and one Stunted but try to push comin Alaskan Ice.

old plants are 4 week vege and youngs are 1-3weeks

plants in the drum, they got 5-6 set's leaves.

I got 600w balanced veg/flower hps and 250w hps. i have been useing both lights now 2 weeks and we are going to flower maybe next week, maybe Wens-Thursday-friday, lets see it then.

i have given some normal nutes last week and little bit bat guano today, but not watering yet so next watering they gonna get some bat guano melt..

i have got some troubles with my timers, but not anymore, only 2 little shitty prob's

I got some Seaweed tea and bat guano with micro elements nutes and some vege mix nutriens, i dont know what name or brand but should bee good :) it's from the pros :mrgreen:

i running 18/6 period now, last grows i have going with 20/4.

I got Co2 tabs, those are really nice to use, just tiny fuckin piece of it, and just one spray bottle and just wait a fwe minutes and it melts and yu got water with Co2, and then just spray time and plants get moisture and Co2 at same time and sometimes with seaweed :hump: and they love it!

or just put tiny piece of this Co2 tab on the watering water and plants got all Co2 from the root's

One Co2 tab is enought to get 100liters of Co2 water so yu dont need much in one liter spray bottle or 2 liters watering pot.

My Head Plants are WW, WR, Jock And the Jack Joker Spot. others are just what they just are.. :) let see if i eat those fuckers or keep it little presents like one fucker get eaten at x-mas, one fucker get eaten at Happy Shit Year and One Is the shit desert :peace::twisted::eyesmoke: LOL....

but anyway i try to get some pic's for yu, maybe tomorrow, maybe not, but very soon :roll:


Well-Known Member
is there some good advice to this time question: i have cut some fan leaves and other leaves, a time ago, now they are bushy and nice looking, but is there some good time to wait when to start flowering, if doing some cut's or axidents happens ?? ill think it's good to wait at least 1 week or 5 days before go under 12/12 or is there some tech issues whit these trim and axident things ?

Reason why i cut WW was, that ww was too skinny and not healty, and after 1 week when i cut all fan leaves off (3sets) it came a live and turn healty and bushy.
and my cat's are also the enemy :) one open's doors and one eaten every thing and one is a pig king. :)


Well-Known Member
Well I Just Started the flowering monday will be first day of that.. . :) cant wait to see how this end up.
WW. is little bit over one foot, others are like 15-19cm tall but looks very healty and bushy plants.

i just add some batguano more.
i Raised my plants closer to the lights and let them be like that just a fwe days.

how much i can yeild with those ? today they have been growing 2-3 set of leaves more, what yu can see in the pic's


Well-Known Member
I riped all the little ones off coz the widow seems to grow so fat and my space is limited... soo i got 5 plants now. 1/or 2 Jock Horro, Aurora Indica, NYCD and Wihte Widow (GHS) and that one i dont know, Jock, Ice or Aurora indica.. well that we see later.

they have grown much these couple of days, maybe 4-6cm and they just shown some smile to me :) i will put some more pic's when i get camera again. ill try to poste some new pics end of the week or weekend time, soo as possible! i at least try to send shot's every week, like we going week to week. i have planned to flower GHS WW 9 weeks, and Aurora Indica 9 weeks, Jock 9-11 weeks and NYCD 10-12weeks and that ice or what it will come up 8-10weeks.

So im not good at PH things, so i need info what is good PH rate is it 5.0-6.5 ?? anyone :) and do yu guys have to use PH Up solution ever ?
And how nice Yield yu get with MH lights ?? and how they are different end up with MH vs HPS ? and If some use MH and HPS together is it the best thing to do ? or best solution ?

thanks :)!


Well-Known Member
do yu guys have to use PH Up solution ever ( of course sometimes when things go like that, but is that usual to use PH up solution ) ?
And how nice Yield yu get with MH lights ?? and how they are different end up with MH vs HPS ? and If some use MH and HPS together is it the best thing to do ? or best solution ? i CANT HEAR YU ;)


Well-Known Member
i will put some new pic's when i get the camera, i dont have cam, so i have to porove my friend and i dont know when i see that guy again, ill try to get cam soon as possible!
They are now day 3 in flowering ww's got 61 days left others will flower longer :)
im growing white rhino from a hydro system this is my second plant so still trying to figure stuff out. what should the ph balance be? and how long should i have it vegetate?


Well-Known Member
im growing white rhino from a hydro system this is my second plant so still trying to figure stuff out. what should the ph balance be? and how long should i have it vegetate?

Im Not 100% sure about PH balance, i havent never ever use ph solutions ( but after all every thing was before going well, and this grow i will use if have to PH solutions ), but 95% sure 5.5ph is good, but in flowering state im not sure maybe 5.5-6.0 it's good enought.

i kill my white rhino coz it was so tiny and got root damage, but WW is related to rhino.

I got now only that jackspot and ww and jock horror. Jackspot = NYCD, Aurora Indica and the third is maybe ICe or Aurora Indica or Jock Horror.

In Hydro system Ph is Easy to check, just check the water what Yu use, if it's near 5.5 or near 6 then it should be ok.

What Breeder White Rhino Yu got ?? then i know better vege time, if it's GHS greenhouseseeds co. ?? and i need to know what lights yu use and how close that light is top of the plant and if it's GHS WR and lights and all are ok minimum vege time is 4 weeks but anything between 4-8weeks is good vege time and then i need to know how big space yu got and how big or small plant yu looking for ?? :dunce: :?::?::?: :-P
alright thank you. and very nice strains how long have you been growing? and what do you mean by breeder like what website did i get it from if it is here is the site http://www.marijuana-seeds.nl/white-rhino.html.. and im just using regular fluorescent lights one is 42W two are 13W fluorescent about a foot above it a and i have a growing light long cylinder one idk what it is tho.


Well-Known Member
alright thank you. and very nice strains how long have you been growing? and what do you mean by breeder like what website did i get it from if it is here is the site http://www.marijuana-seeds.nl/white-rhino.html.. and im just using regular fluorescent lights one is 42W two are 13W fluorescent about a foot above it a and i have a growing light long cylinder one idk what it is tho.

Well Breeder is the creator of the strain or the company, like White Rhino and White Widow is orginaly and first founders = breeders = creator of those strains GHS greenhouseseed company found and bred the WW and WR strain and lot of others goods ! but we can say creator and company if yu buy from GHS and they strains and origin strains then that strain will be the first one of it and the pure genetics how they should be, but almost all breeders and companys and creators got own breeding and variate of the strain like White Widow or Skunk'1 or white rhino but the first one who creat WW is GHS.. and so on... NYCD is like from Soma seeds.

Yu can Study and read about these things.

Im not oldest grower, like 3-4years cant remember... :)

And Hey i give yu a tip, but those lights so close yu can, not too close, test with your hand when it get's warm not hot. i say like 10-20cm top of the plant or where your lights be. but keep it close and i advice yu to buy 250w hps and yu can grow 1-3 OK nice plants with one plant yu can reach 260g, learn and enjoy. and def with fl lights yu can flower those plants like easyli 9-11weeks.


Well-Known Member
maybe that is from GHS, thats only seed dealer. or maybe its nirvana, do yu got packet where is the brand or company name ??
in that site they say 8 weeks flowering time, thats good 8 weeks it's fine, but yu can but like 9weeks to 9.5weeks for extra resin and crystal and bud fat production if yu want or fwe extra days gives always some extra power :) but those lights 9 is minimum and max is 12 weeks, yu will see when its done, at least 45-65% hairs are brown or dark red or dark orange then it's good, but usualy 50-80% is the best.

ps. if yu mean how long i have growing those plants, answer is 3-4.5weeks. :leaf:
nice man so more and bigger bulbs?? i planted it a month ago and its about a foot tall red and purple going up the stem but the first 2-3 weeks it was on 12 hours a day is that alright?? its on 18 hours now.


Well-Known Member
If yu want big plant yu need bigger bulb, at least 250w hps will gurantee atleast 150-300g per. plant.
what is the temperature in the day time and in the night ?? and maybe yu have fucked little bit that plant up coz only 12h/12h in the begin is ok if yu just keep it that long when it sprout. and then yu can turn imd. 18h light period, but i always strat 18h period or 20h and keeping that till i want bud's

Im not sure what that 2-3 first weeks on 12h have done, and i dont know is that ok to keep begin of the grow 12h period :) soo my opinion is ( i think so ) that 2-3 week 12h period your plant just start the nice flowering and now yu are on vege cycle so i think it might have done some fuck things, like your plant might turn hermafrodite, because all that stress but maybe im wrong, yu will see it.

but yu should start 18/6 period and when yu want bud's and get plant to mature, just turn it into a 12/12h period.
I like to see some pic's of ypur plant, one foot tall plant is ready to flower, but yu can keep vege period long as yu want, plant will douple or trible the size in the flowering period so yu have to think how big plant would do or how big plant yu want it :)


Well-Known Member
Ok now is 1 week behind flowering, unfortunatly i havent got cam yet, but i think we will get some photos at friday-sunday, i try to get cam somewhere fast, they have growing like green green grass... :) :) :)
i have given little bit still vege nutes and and random quantity bat guano + micro elements batch 8. & some Seaweed too. Co2 is added to the root's and i make some wine and beer so there i got Co2 in the air and whit spraying Co2 + seaweed water sometimes in the leaves. They look like they love all these things, in this growing i have given nutes just a little bit and less than before and everything seems to be nice as pussy in the hot sunnyday :) but just my unlucky luckness will turn to fortune, but i try to fight back.