White Widow, White Rhino and One Jackpot Joker spot.


Well-Known Member
No Males not produce bud, or bud's, they only produce Hedeflowers and in side those ball's ( they look like balls ) there is a pollen, and when taht ball sack open, they release that polle to get female some seed's and that's not good if yu not want to produce some seed's to your self :) if yu got female or females and yu find a male and yu dont want produce seed's, and yu looking some hard crop bud's, yu should cut those males!

Yu can save all the little stems and leaves what yu get from male plant and dry them, when yu save those leaves and little stems and when yu harvest your pretty fat girls, then yu can mix those female plant leaves and the male leaves and make hash or make some cannabutter to cook some nice buzz stoney food or anything :) or make that hash to smoke.

or if yu got only males and no seed's left then yu have to start all overagain and wait to get females, but if yu want to continue with males it's ok but the thc levels are not that good than females, but i have been so stoned and fck up with just only male leaves smoke and that pollen sacks smoke OK

, but we looking females all the time and that sinsemilla what they produce.

and yu never ever want hermafrodite plants or stress those plants to go hermies!!
thats badass i never knew that you can use the male plants like that thank you=]. im prety sure that its a female and i just turned it back to 12/12. and why is it bad to have a hermaphrodite plant and how could i find out?


Well-Known Member
I tell you....

Hermies cause problems because they may carry the hermie
trait with their offspring. In fact, genetically the hermie will only
produce female seeds and hermaphrodite seeds. It will never produce a
male seed. If you have ever seen all female seeds been advertised by
seed-banks then you should have the right to know that these seeds
come from female plants which are stressed into producing male
flowers. The plants then self-pollinate themselves and the results are
female and hermaphrodite seeds. In a special case a female known as
an XX female will produce more female seeds than hermaphrodite
seeds. That is how female seeds are created. In general growers try to
keep away from any hermie plants because they will spoil a Sinsemilla
crop. Also having pollen floating around in your grow room from a
hermie plant will spoil everything else including breeding projects.
Abnormal bud growth is a side effect of this. Because the
plant produces male pollen sacks in with female flowers you may
notice that the bud looks different. Also the quantity of female bud
produced is decreased because of pollination.
Early induced flowering is not technically forcing your plant
to flower. If you force flower on one strain that has not pre-flowered it
will flower at roughly the same time as an exact copy of the same
strain which has been flowered only when the pre-flowers appear
naturally. Force flowering simply acts by stressing the plant into a
crisis condition.

so hermafrodite is female plant or male plant what produce = bud's and Male pollen sacks so they will pollen your true female plants and pollen they'r bud's and yu lost nice harvest an also the seed's what yu get is hermies too.. so those seed's will not work. only yu can use those seed's like outdoor grass grow but like 98% of time those seeds are waste!
so yu dont get nice yield bud's with those! i think yu know what is Male and what is Female and like in nature, all sex in nature, and sexuality in life, there is Female, Male, Shemale, Hermafrodite (shemale) got it and there yu can conclusion what they mean hermafrodite.

Searche in internet some photos of cannabis hermafrodite plants.
:fire::leaf: THEN WE GOT MALES.......

MALE POTENCY Between the strains

The male plant is not a good smoke (Figure 3.19). This
however may not always be the case. Some strains have male plants
that produce more THC than other males of a different strain.
Sometimes the male can be stronger than a female from another weak
strain. Most male plants from good genetics are stronger than the
Ruderalis female. Males can be smoked or made into hash oil. Simply
wait until the plant is flowering and then clip the top 6 to 12 inches of
the plant away and remove the leaves. Throwaway any stems and
branches. Cure these leaves and then find out for yourself if the male is
any good or not. You may be in for a surprise


Well-Known Member
i try to get those photos soon... Aurora Indica is fine, but gonna be small maybe 20-30g NYcd has step huge mountain steps and im curious to see what she gonna bring up me,,, :) White Widow just go right on not tall put bushy it's only 33cm tall but it's so bush and wide 6 top colas !!

but im not sure how much or should i give more or just same quatity of nutriens or not or just give water... i think there is little nute burn but no serious damage and the color is fine but some brown color lower leafes, little bit crackin.... so ?? i will send some pic's soon as i can get camera.. !!
alright tight. so my plant has the potential to get 450-500 grams cause that would be badass. oh and there is purple on the main stem going up like alot does that mean the bud willm have purple?


Well-Known Member
Well Anybody would help me ?? i check PH level and now i got the do some ph down stuff, i never ever done anything whit PH first time problem... so how this PH down solution works ?? wjat i have to do to get PH level down ? add this in the water and water one time or several ? do i flush first ? do i add some nutes in ph down water ? is these ph solutions strong ?? !!! God Shaken Balls Help me !! :)