Why bash Islam?

No it's not. I live not to far from Dearborn, I've witnessed it. I'm old enough that I fought for women's rights here in the USA, I'm not ready to go back into that corner.

I was told I could do this, I couldn't do that. Why? Because I'm a woman.

Oh, btw the way I love bacon.

Your mistaking the undying devotion of a husband to his spouse for a marital and federal crime bongsmilie. Your generalizing a group of people by selecting the publicized events that a select few group of "radicals" (when comparing how big Islam is as a whole, it spans across almost every continent expect Antarctica) choose to participate in. In my opinion your views are narrow minded and appear to stem mostly from the belief that being a devote Muslim man means your a sexist pig to women . I guess if your a catholic you rape children too, huh? I'm sure if I wanted to I could waste my time googling articles like you do about Islam and make the same claim with "facts" to back it up :lol:. I'm done this conversation cause its not even worth my time.
When someone tries to control me because of THEIR religion that is where I do draw the line.

In my husband's business I was told by one of his Muslim customers that he would not do business with a woman to go get the MAN. I did. He told him to either place the order with me or get out. He placed his order. It's pure [FONT=&quot]chauvinism[/FONT], women are not chattel.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]Your wives are a tilth for you, so go into your tilth when you like, and do good beforehand for yourselves.
[SIZE=-1]-- Holy Qu'ran, Sura ii, 223[/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT]
Your mistaking the undying devotion of a husband to his spouse for a marital and federal crime bongsmilie. Your generalizing a group of people by selecting the publicized events that a select few group of "radicals" (when comparing how big Islam is as a whole, it spans across almost every continent expect Antarctica) choose to participate in. In my opinion your views are narrow minded and appear to stem mostly from the belief that being a devote Muslim man means your a sexist pig to women . I guess if your a catholic you rape children too, huh? I'm sure if I wanted to I could waste my time googling article like you do about Islam and make the same claim with "facts" to back it up :lol:. I'm done this conversation cause its not even worth my time.

Good, time for you to go.
Your mistaking the undying devotion of a husband to his spouse for a marital and federal crime bongsmilie. Your generalizing a group of people by selecting the publicized events that a select few group of "radicals" (when comparing how big Islam is as a whole, it spans across almost every continent expect Antarctica) choose to participate in. In my opinion your views are narrow minded and appear to stem mostly from the belief that being a devote Muslim man means your a sexist pig to women . I guess if your a catholic you rape children too, huh? I'm sure if I wanted to I could waste my time googling articles like you do about Islam and make the same claim with "facts" to back it up :lol:. I'm done this conversation cause its not even worth my time.
I don't google for facts. I check BBC for how much damage they are doing just for this thread.

Actually a portion of 1st generation are sexist pigs. Not the second or third generation though.
Actually a portion of 1st generation are sexist pigs. Not the second or third generation though.

I just wanted to read one not generalized statement about Muslims as a whole, thanks (no sarcasm intended). I apologize if you had previously but like I stated earlier i didn't read the entire thread and I don't plan to cause in the end I find all religions to be really unnecessary in the 21st century but that's just my opinion. An just cause its in the quaran doesn't necessarily mean every Muslim must believe in that. You can still proclaim yourself of a faith without unquestionably following all the "how to live" guidelines of your holy scripture...
I just wanted to read one not generalized statement about Muslims as a whole, thanks (no sarcasm intended). An just cause its in the quaran doesn't necessarily mean every Muslim must believe in that. You can still proclaim yourself of a faith without unquestionably following all the "how to live" guidelines of your holy scripture...

I apologize if you had previously but like I stated earlier i didn't read the entire thread and I don't plan to cause in the end I find all religions to be really unnecessary in the 21st century but that's just my opinion.
than you are a fake ,
Kind of a smartass, eh? Keep in mind, I didn't say I think people who believe in god or people who are spiritual are stupid. Only those who dogmatically follow organized religion. I do hope you can see the distinction, though with your eagernesss to argue, I'm not sure you do. Goodnight, Hep.

Smartass, yeah I won't lie.. not a great quality. Gets you into shit.. But most of the time, it's worth the laugh :bigjoint:.

I get that you're calling the "hardcore" religious people stupid. Like the ones that believe gays are bad or everybody is going to hell.. stuff like that. Personally, I think they're just gullible for falling for stuff like that? But I can easily see how you came to your opinion. :leaf:
An just cause its in the quaran doesn't necessarily mean every Muslim must believe in that. You can still proclaim yourself of a faith without unquestionably following all the "how to live" guidelines of your holy scripture...
You're right. Those people are called hypocrites. How could they be followers if they don't follow the rules? The rules tell them to kill others.

Cherry pickers.
Smartass, yeah I won't lie.. not a great quality. Gets you into shit.. But most of the time, it's worth the laugh :bigjoint:.

I get that you're calling the "hardcore" religious people stupid. Like the ones that believe gays are bad or everybody is going to hell.. stuff like that. Personally, I think they're just gullible for falling for stuff like that? But I can easily see how you came to your opinion. :leaf:
By definition, dogma means those religious beliefs are to be accepted without challenge, dispute, or doubt. "Here, swallow these beliefs because they're the correct ones, and don't think for yourself."

Wikipedia has my back....

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gullibility is a failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated into an ill-advised course of action. It is closely related to credulity, which is the tendency to believe unlikely propositions that are unsupported by evidence.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2]

Failure of Social Intelligence...

By definition, dogma means those religious beliefs are to be accepted without challenge, dispute, or doubt. "Here, swallow these beliefs because they're the correct ones, and don't think for yourself."

Wikipedia has my back....

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gullibility is a failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated into an ill-advised course of action. It is closely related to credulity, which is the tendency to believe unlikely propositions that are unsupported by evidence.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2]

Failure of Social Intelligence...

:clap: Nicely done. Hmmm so I guess I believe they're socially unintelligent lol. That's funny.
Won't shake another woman's hand. Sounds like someone that will box a woman up and not let her out. JUST LIKE IN SAUDI ARABIA. I like to drive my own car-alone.

2% out of how many? I'm sure there are a lot of muslim nuts out there. You just confirmed it.
Actually I found out my math was wrong on that one. Its less than 1% of 1.65 Million followers.. you do the math. Islam is the religion of tolerance. I urge you to study it before you spout judgement.

edit: my bad for the typo.. its 1.65 BILLION
It's as pure and simple as this ^.
Whenever I say the Quran teachings are bad, people bring up the followers. But I never mentioned the followers lol. I just said the quran is bad.
I login today to see you are still paraphrasing the Holy Quran. Did you read it last night? Its pretty long so im sure you didnt. Dude, if you believe in logic and proof and all that then why are you paraphrasing and judging a book you have never read. Read the Quran, then come and talk about what you feel it is teaching. Right now you are making absurd statements.