Why Hate?


Well-Known Member
What is the point behind hating on another person, just because they are doing something you wish you could do, or have something you want, or are basically the person you wanna be. It seriously makes no sense to me.


Well-Known Member
its a form of denial. they hate on others to make em feel better about themselves but its really them who they really hate. ;)


Well-Known Member
lol, so you're asking why do people hate out of jealousy? I dunno, dissatisfaction with their own lives I guess.

The kind of hate that bewilders the shit out of me is hating someone, or something about someone that you see in yourself. That's like...you want to hate on yourself, but instead you hate on others who reflect the things you hate in you....

In general, I try not to hate anyone. Hate is too strong of an emotion to be wasted on someone who doesn't matter to me.


Well-Known Member
One of my teachers once gave some lesson on why hating is a waste of time. I can't remember exactly what the phrase was, but he said something like "While you are hating someone, they're out dancing."

His point was that your hating someone doesn't effect them at all, but it effects YOU, because you're bringing negativity into your life. Your hate doesn't hurt anyone but you.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
One of my teachers once gave some lesson on why hating is a waste of time. I can't remember exactly what the phrase was, but he said something like "While you are hating someone, they're out dancing."

His point was that your hating someone doesn't effect them at all, but it effects YOU, because you're bringing negativity into your life. Your hate doesn't hurt anyone but you.
I totally agree, hating is a waste if your energy. It also affects those around you. :mrgreen::peace: