will this matter much ?

wing it

I repotted my plants and a couple of them have ended up with the jiffy pellet nearer the edge of the pot as aposed to the plant being in the centre of the pot , will this matter much ?


Active Member
Be more descriptive, did the plants shift after transplanting, or was it just a bad transplant job? It's not really a good thing for your plant to be at the edge of the pot versus center, because you are going to stunt root development. If it can't be pulled center using a brace, I would uproot them and replant in center.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I take it it's not a huge amount. Either way.........
No, you'll be fine. The roots will fill the pot. Water away from the Jiffy pellet to promote the roots to grow out in search of the moisture.

wing it

its just been a case of not planting them in the centre like i say the jiffy pellet is more to 1 side as aposed to in the centre


Active Member
If you are planning on doing a straight grow, no LST, SCROG, etc, I would wait a few days and transplant again. If you are planning on doing LST/SCROG, then it is in the perfect place, and I would begin after about a week or so, to allow the root system to firmly grasp into it's new medium.