Wive's tails.

One of many

Has any one heard of sticking a small nail through the stock of the plant or giving it a few wacks before harvesting to make the plant think its dying so it will produce more thc to keep it alive. Sounds ridiculous to me, but ive heard alot of people tell me they do it.


Active Member
Has any one heard of sticking a small nail through the stock of the plant or giving it a few wacks before harvesting to make the plant think its dying so it will produce more thc to keep it alive. Sounds ridiculous to me, but ive heard alot of people tell me they do it.
I have heard of this I personally would do it but it's more to do with tieing it then nailing it. Stress at the very end as well as change the color in some cases. Lots of work:weed: and they used to do it with Thia weed it's a very old trick. peace out Headband707


New Member
this was stated at gardens cure....
Hmmm.. I beleive thats a slow-release form of Iron.. You can also peirce galvonized nails directly into the lower stalk
for a quicker source of Iron (im pretty sure its iron?), but Ive never had to resort to this.. it sounds quiet, crazy. I recall reading it in Ed's Guide

ive also heard of girdling the stalk...it makes it turn gold color...thats how columbians did columbian gold


Well-Known Member
Whoa man, take it easy. I think he DID give you a response: by saying the book was that old, he's probably saying there's no way to tell for certain if its a reliable source of information. Its just something that he'd read before.

This one older dude I worked with (he just got laid off today :( ) grows outdoors, has done so for i think 30 years or more? Anyways, he swears by leaving the plants get one or two good frosts on them before chopping them down. Maybe its a similar concept? Give the plant some light/moderate stress right before chopping? If you do it too soon you might make it hermie so be carefull. Whether or not any of this actually works in making the plant make more thc, I can't say. A more experienced grower would have to chime in. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
iron nails is what you should use i have tried it but didn't see anything to wright home about!! feed it molasses!! best trick i have found so far!!


New Member
my book also say that:
impaling with nails,pine splinters,balls of opium,and stones are clandestine folk methods of promoting flowering,taste, and thc production.however none of these have any valid documentation from the original culture or scientific basis


New Member
Its another one of those if at the very end the plant looks great and aint broke, why fix it, way to many lotions & potions flying about this site, youl never hear the Dutch going on about piss, and shit and nails and coffee and aspirin and magnets, they just grow weed, and they keep it simple, and they do just fine.


Well-Known Member
very true!!thy have tricks im sure thy just don't talk about them.i have seen one guy with a tank with Oscars(type of fish) feed them grapes then feed there plants with the fishes shit. that is a good trick that works!!


Active Member
its an old trick. . . farmers back in the day would do it to plants with the belief that the plant would release more hormones and chemicals (THC) in response to trying to heal its injury. like everybody else, i read it in a book thats probly older than my dad

One of many

I misundersood my first reply, sorry. Sounds scetchy to me. I did not read it any where but it has been passed down from older generations to me. I just wanted to know if there was any truth to it. For me if I want more (THC) I will pick a good strain and give it all my love.


Well-Known Member
Fuck it! Are you going to answer my question or make fun of it?
Whoa man, take it easy. I think he DID give you a response: by saying the book was that old, he's probably saying there's no way to tell for certain if its a reliable source of information. Its just something that he'd read before.
like he said, i read about the nail in a book, i wanst making fun of the question at all.

my book also say that:
impaling with nails,pine splinters,balls of opium,and stones are clandestine folk methods of promoting flowering,taste, and thc production.however none of these have any valid documentation from the original culture or scientific basis
wtf? they put balls of opium inside the plant? thats crazy

Its another one of those if at the very end the plant looks great and aint broke, why fix it, way to many lotions & potions flying about this site, youl never hear the Dutch going on about piss, and shit and nails and coffee and aspirin and magnets, they just grow weed, and they keep it simple, and they do just fine.
yes! keep it simple

you guys are right, there are no tricks really. well there are some things, but they are unnecessary, what is wrong with natural green bud? why do people need to mess with it?


Active Member
this was stated at gardens cure....
Hmmm.. I beleive thats a slow-release form of Iron.. You can also peirce galvonized nails directly into the lower stalk
for a quicker source of Iron (im pretty sure its iron?), but Ive never had to resort to this.. it sounds quiet, crazy. I recall reading it in Ed's Guide

ive also heard of girdling the stalk...it makes it turn gold color...thats how columbians did columbian gold
Right it was Columbian Gold I've been smoking so much I forgot the strain lol lol . Plus I have been reading lots about Thia stick lol..

If you really want to see if the nail trick works try it in one plant and see peace out Headband707:weed: