I'll cover several vehicles.
Bicycle = 13 years old. Going down monster hill everyone was scared of. The stuff of legends. We're talking going down a steep incline that's like 9 streets long. Around 3/4 of the way down car turns corner and is now traveling in my path. Crap I'm going 3x the speed of this thing. Think fast time. I can dodge it (unlikely) or hit the ditch and risk going through some yards and possibly stop safely. Hit the ditch. The bike stopped right there. I didn't. Flew off and somehow managed to roll with it when I hit the ground. The soft grass covered ground. Bruised up a bit but otherwise the only thing hurt was my bike. The front rim was so warped it couldn't even be pushed with it on the ground. It got hung up. I felt my heart in my throat when that car turned. Gained a manliness level though because none of my friends had ever tangled with that hill.
4 wheeler = 15 years old. Best buddies parents went away and left him home alone for a week. Also happened to be the friend I got into trouble with the most. One rule was Monkey Grinder is NOT coming over for the week. So an hour after they leave I show up. We call up mutual friends. Byob it's party time guys. I had some smoke. Call up some girls. I realize I'm gonna run out of cigs. There's a 24 hour convenience store where register dude never carded me for smokes. I decide to take the trip there. Girl I got to come over says I wanna go. I've never been on one of these. My hormones say jump on. Get there and get my cigs. Grab some drinks. On the trip back decide to take the backroads with girl. Just kinda cruising along. Car coming up behind us. Been running around a half hour there and no vehicles. Get's right up on my ass. Wave for them to pass. They don't. I gun it to get em off..........blue lights lol. I'm still sort of high. Busting curfew. Playing it cool. Cops a real dick. One of those big shaved bald headed early 20s cops. He's not having any of my excuses. He's impounding my 4 wheeler and I'm in all sorts of trouble. Another officer shows up. Comes over and goes through the same questions the asshole did. Guy's cool though. I just explained we were hanging out and went to get some drinks. Says we can go home and he'll follow us and not take my 4wheeler. Older cop probably remembered what it was like being a 15yo dude.
First time getting pulled over. Young and with a piece of tail as my main goal for the evening. Not to mention first time dealing with police high.
Car 1986 Ford LTD Crown Vic. The Tank = 22yo. Surprisingly I was an extremely careful automobile driver. At that point in time it was due to driving on a suspended. Never gotten into an accident. Headed to work and it's sort of heavy traffic. Traffics pacing around 20mph. Car in front of me STOPS. I hit the brakes and hit them in the tail. Not hard. Just enough to startle em. I'm thinking oh shit. Get out of the vehicle and it's a car load of Mexicans. He starts acting shady right off the bat when I'm talking to him. I put on poker face. I point out the fact there's no damage done. He's talking Spanish back and forward with his 2 cohorts. My spidey sense tingles and I get the feeling they're either about to try and jump my ass or hustle me. It was a hustle. He says we should pull over to the parking lot beside us and figure things out. That's a legal no no. I play his little game. He says we can call the cops and get insurance involved and stuff....or I can give him 500$ and we'll walk away from it. I ended up calling his bluff and stated my deductible was far less than that and I'd rather just take the hit (driving on a suspended remember) he starts to sweat it a bit while talking back and forward with his buddies in Spanish again. They're eyes are darting around. A lot. He's looking around too much too. I say the hell with it I'm either calling em or driving away from it. They're speaking Spanish 90 miles a minute between the 3 of them. I said fuck it and got it my car and drove off. Sped out of there and never heard a thing from it or about it.
I assume the driver either didn't have a license or they were illegals and or both.
That instance really made me oh shit for the simple fact if it were different circumstances I would have gotten the book thrown at me legally. Played it cool though and got out of it. Dodged getting hustled as well.