your mood and your posts

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
This means that I know I'm, I'm not a therapy type of girl.Had it all my life, and it gets BAD. It's just an inherited chemical imbalance that runs on my father's side of the family.Big family secret for a long time was my grandmother was a suicide.But it's not just sadness, it's horrible's like wrestling a beast sometimes.My brothers who share my father have the same thing.My dad....well he was good to me, but I could tell you stories about him that would curl your hair.And he was very strong willed...I'm often afraid I'll snap.Anyway, enough about does YOUR mood affect posts...seems like you're feeling talky.
does this mean that somebody told you that you are depressed?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
i am in my RV on the Russian river today... spent the day in the river... now trying to get some editing done...


Well-Known Member
Yep. Sometimes my mood dictates that I type in "you're a dumbass" when replying to some insanely stupid question, but I usually recall my days as a dumbass, and this precludes me posting my true opinion of a given situation.


Well-Known Member
My mood doen't have anything to do with it that much. It's when i read the post and interpret it as.

Bluntus McSmokey

Active Member
How does your mood effect your posting?



My mood is typically good on RIU. Unfortunately, I can't go to RIU at work, so I tend to frequent sports bbs's on work "breaks." Since you're a former ESPN guy, you probably know the type.

Then I find myself sucked into political debates, and I quickly lose any "love" I have for fellow man. And I really shouldn't even read political posts...I think the reggae dudes who said "politricks" had it right, anyway.

Anyway, if you truly did find love for all men, including the ones who you think are just nothing but greedhead assholes, then I envy you, and wish I could find the same, because I find the internet causes me to dislike folks more than like them.

Not the people here, of course...they for the most part all seem cool.