drug test

  1. H

    Will this home drug tests pass a lab test ?

    I’ve already submitted the urinalysis . It is the same 50ng/ml cutoff . I am trying to see where i am
  2. C

    Passing Drug Test Using "The Urinator"

    Hello all, I am posting this thread to see if anyone has experience using the urinator to pass a pre-employment drug screening. I haven't smoked since December 13th (roughly 37 days) and am still having trouble getting consistent negative results when using a home drug test. Sometimes I get...
  3. C

    Passing Drug Test Using "The Urinator"

    Hello all, I am posting this thread to see if anyone has experience using the urinator to pass a pre-employment drug screening. I haven't smoked since December 13th (roughly 37 days) and am still having trouble getting consistent negative results when using a home drug test. Sometimes I get...
  4. F

    Walmart D.C. drug testing

    Does anyone know how Walmart D.C. in Georgia conducts its drug test???
  5. P

    PLEASE HELP ME!! I took a UA

    I took a UA and as I was in the bathroom the clips to the belt I was using came undone so a good amount of fake piss just ran down my leg but i still had enoughto fill about 95% of the amount needed but the othere 5% I used my piss.... oh and its going to a fucking lab... :/ will the fake piss...
  6. 2

    My "landlords" are drug testing me...

    So I'm 19 and I still live with my parents, I have a job, pay rent, help with bills and mostly buy my own food. Last month I was chilling with in friends car smokin' a blunt when a cop rolled on us. In my state weed possession is just a small fine, so i wasn't tripping. I intended to pay the...
  7. greenguy5000

    When will this leave my system?? Help

    Ok so back story. I did Cocaine last week about 2g in the beginning and 4 days later did another 2g. Last lines (2) were last Friday afternoon. I tested myself today. Tuesday and was positive. I thought it only lasted 1-3 days?? Help on experience and how long it actually takes to be clean please.
  8. L

    Drug test temp strips trick for subbing

    So I was reading up on subbing extensively and noted that some people say they piss inside the cup and dump it then put their sub in, but a much more common sense idea came to mind (couldn't find this ANYWHERE) Why not just either A. Piss on the outside of the cup on the test strip to get it to...
  9. L

    Help passing meps

    Ok so I’m joining the marines, and I’ve been smoking weed since may but the month of August I kind of didn’t smoke for a few days and sometimes not much but I haven’t smoked in about 5-6 days and I’m 5’5 and I weigh about 127 but I have a very high metabolism how long would it take for the weed...
  10. B

    I just smoked 3 days ago and i havent smoked in 5 months will i pass a drug test tommorow?

    I had like barely any weed from a bowl and I only got high for like 4 hours, this is now 3 days in and i have a drug test tomorrow! This was something i wasn't told until after i smoked! I dont smoke much at all. (5 months and then this one time) will i be clean or should i dilute. (Cant afford...
  11. newzealand

    Invalid drug test reading - will it come back positive?

    My partner attended a pre-employment drug test today and had an invalid result for THC. He was tested with Proscreen Cup here in New Zealand. Every other reading was negative, however THC came back as an invalid reading (neither positive or negative). They re-tested and it came back invalid the...
  12. J

    Used Quick fix synthetic urine and it came back invalid!!

    i just wanted to say that yesterday i used QuikFix to pass a Pre-employment drug screening. This was such an important job opportunity. I had used other friends urine to pass before and i have. This time i decided to save the "hassel" and just buy synthetic urine. Welp i got my results and they...
  13. S

    Questions about substitution for drug test

    I have my last drug test tomorrow and I am dirty and cannot pass. I have a friend who has clean piss and is willing to give it to me, but will they know that it isn't my piss? Since they have tested me 3 times before and all 3 times i used my own piss and passed, will they compare my friends...
  14. B

    Instant Validity Strip?

    Hello all. I'm sorry if this has been answered but I can't seem to find anything related to my specific question. Yesterday I took a pre-employment urine test, followed by a physical. I haven't smoked in about a month after years of light (daily-ish) use. I fail at home tests on the first void...
  15. bro54209

    Drug test friday or i can wait till jan 4

    Edit: My question is how long should i refrain from exercise before a drug test So i have the option to go Friday and likely take a piss (20 days sober) or wait til jan 4th >.< I have a test at home to decide to wait or go Friday but i gotta let my lawyer know this evening or tomorrow morning...
  16. Runagi

    Hair follicle test? I have helpful info!

    All, Been a while since I been on here... Well long story short, I will likely I have a pre-employment hair follicle test coming up within the next few weeks. Yikes! I've been doing hours of research and have read all the same stuff you all have about macujo etc. This might be a fairly long...
  17. TrashPanda

    Harvesting causing a THC test failure

    So I haven't smoked since June 10. I'm expecting a drug test here pretty soon from a new employer so I've been trying to get it out of my system. I bought some THC urine test strips off amazon and been testing myself every week or so. A couple of weeks ago I was testing clean. However, I...
  18. A

    What are my chances of passing?

    I realize there is no way to say for sure either way, but thought I would try to get some other people's opinions on my chances of passing my upcoming urine test. For starters, I'm a 28 year old male, 5'10, 160 pounds, average metabolism, and I exercise regularly (4 times a week, cardio). I...
  19. lucasnooker

    Best way to get rid of thc out of system?

    Hi there, I have an upcoming job induction in a couple of weeks and am fearful of a drug test. the past 1.5 years i had been smoking like a chimney. like 1.5 gram per day or so because I have been growing. since I left work I have stopped and it has now been over 60 days. I felt hazey for a...
  20. J


    so heres my story, i used to smoke several times a week back in 2015- july 2016, i quit smoking in august 2016 cause i got caught and got into a lot of trouble with MY WHOLE FAMILY, since then ive passed like 4 drug tests with no worries, but in december i smoked a few times with my friends...