piss test

  1. 2

    My "landlords" are drug testing me...

    So I'm 19 and I still live with my parents, I have a job, pay rent, help with bills and mostly buy my own food. Last month I was chilling with in friends car smokin' a blunt when a cop rolled on us. In my state weed possession is just a small fine, so i wasn't tripping. I intended to pay the...
  2. theeverGREENstate

    Passing a piss test with synthetic

    Hey guys, a long time lurker here. I just wanted to share my recent experience. Ive been looking for a job for a couple of months, finally found a good one, when they tell me all i have to do is pee clean and ive got it. I smoke too much to get clean in time, so i did a little research and found...