urine sample

  1. C

    Passing Drug Test Using "The Urinator"

    Hello all, I am posting this thread to see if anyone has experience using the urinator to pass a pre-employment drug screening. I haven't smoked since December 13th (roughly 37 days) and am still having trouble getting consistent negative results when using a home drug test. Sometimes I get...
  2. C

    Passing Drug Test Using "The Urinator"

    Hello all, I am posting this thread to see if anyone has experience using the urinator to pass a pre-employment drug screening. I haven't smoked since December 13th (roughly 37 days) and am still having trouble getting consistent negative results when using a home drug test. Sometimes I get...
  3. 2

    My "landlords" are drug testing me...

    So I'm 19 and I still live with my parents, I have a job, pay rent, help with bills and mostly buy my own food. Last month I was chilling with in friends car smokin' a blunt when a cop rolled on us. In my state weed possession is just a small fine, so i wasn't tripping. I intended to pay the...
  4. newzealand

    Invalid drug test reading - will it come back positive?

    My partner attended a pre-employment drug test today and had an invalid result for THC. He was tested with Proscreen Cup here in New Zealand. Every other reading was negative, however THC came back as an invalid reading (neither positive or negative). They re-tested and it came back invalid the...