OG Kush, LSD and Juicy Fruit -- CFL Closet Grow!!


Active Member
Update Time!!

OG Kush!!

OG is starting to fill out better than I anticipated! She's still a light feeder, still getting 1/2 teaspoon/gallon of Dyna-Gro 9-3-6, along with 1 tbsp of epsom salts every watering. Next feeding will be 50% 9-3-6 and 50% 3-12-6, at 1 teaspoon/2-gallons to start. That will give her about a 3-4-3 ratio, and then I'll work up to 6-7-6 after a few feedings...and then I'll work up to full bloom nutes for week 6-8, mixing in some nitrogen to keep it green. Last feeding I gave her a teaspoon of molasses in the nutrient mix so we will see how that helps along!

"The Stretch"--She's starting to stretch, but it's manageable so far. Barely noticeable actually, and I keep her about 4 inches+ away from the CFLs so she fits in the tight space with Northern Lights. Until I get more light I keep her lower to get all the bud sites under the hood, and in the light. Plus I guess it helps because she likes lower temps; about 75° or cooler. In a day or so she'll have double the light so that should only help!

Okay, here are some (blurry) pics!

Day #13 Since 12/12 Switch

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I took a clone from her a few days ago, and I'm waiting on it to root. I'll most likely take another in the next few days so I can be sure to TRY and keep her genes going.

....'til next time ladies and gents!


Active Member
More BF LSD Pics!

What the heck, the more pics the better, right? Thought I'd post some more pics of the LSD plant. It is starting to EXPLODE! I thought the Northern Lights plant grew fast...well this one is no joke! And that's with little amounts of nutrients. She's 7 inches tall right now, and wide as outside! Last feeding didn't green her up any more, so I'm going to up it to 1/2 teaspoon/gallon next feeding. Then she might REALLY take off in growth. Switching to flowering in 8 days!

Day #29

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....Til later!

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
You will rreally like juicy fruit (chronic) fro Delisious Seeds, the plant will get totally frosted. Have you ever consider using 400watter they cost only about $30.00 ( have both spectrums) great grow bucket!!!


Active Member
You will rreally like juicy fruit (chronic) fro Delisious Seeds, the plant will get totally frosted. Have you ever consider using 400watter they cost only about $30.00 ( have both spectrums) great grow bucket!!!
Thanks for stopping by!!

400 Watts? Not sure I know what that is...do you mean CFLs? The bucket has 6 sockets. Each socket holds two CFLs, so it's using 4-23 watt, 5000Ks and 1-40 watt, 2700K, for a total of 132 watts. I'm afraid if I used much more light in there, the plant would grow too big to fit too quick. Bad enough, the LSD reached the first light sockets at day #30 from seed, and I had to remove to bulbs! And the buckets stack up to 2 feet+. Then it grew up to the second light socket...and I had to remove it at just #35 (5 weeks)!

The LSD was just put into flowering yesterday, as planned, along with the other three plants, finally. I just made another CFL hood (up to 320 watts) to add to the tent, and got it all set up yesterday.

Pics and updates coming very soon!


Active Member
Update Time!

So I'll be doing this in parts. First update will be the Barney's Farm LSD....

LSD - Day #4 Since 12/12 Switch

This plant is growing crazy-fast! Threw her in the flowering tent at week 5 because she was growing up and out--filling up my grow bucket. She is REALLY starting to stretch up and out in flowering, and today I will be giving her the LST treatment....tying all of her branches sideways to expose the top flowering sites to the light during the stretch. She only has a pistil or two showing, so it will be a week or so before she's actually flowering, I believe. She's under 160 watts plus a 40-watt side light, and I'll up that to 300 watts once she starts showing flowers.

Here goes da' pics!

Front view of LSD under the hood.

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Check out the CFL hoods from underneath; currently have 9 light sockets, soon to be 10! Max light penetration, coverage AND most of all... intensity!

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Had to redo my ventilation. I removed the 6"-to-4" reducer from the duct fan, and bought a 6" 90° elbow to replace the long 4" ducting. It was hindering airflow a LOT! So I keep my temp probe right near the bulbs, about an half-inch under the hoods--at the top of the canopy where the buds reside! Temps run between 70°F and 77° during the day and 60°-68 at night. PERFECT! Humidity is still low; 20-41%, usually between 25-30.

Running 500 watts of CFL, my temps are usually no more than 5° above ambient room temps! And a large window sits right next to my intake duct (I made two light-traps for my intake vents out of 2' X 4" ducting with filter coverings), so I get decent amounts of C02 during the day, and cool temps!

Haven't added a carbon filter yet, but surprisingly there's not much smell! The Northern Lights smells like
burned fruit--pleasant yet nearly odorless. The OG Kush has a slight smell but is similar to the Northern
Lights. The Juicy Fruit has a dank smell! Like a baby skunk, but it's a small plant so it doesn't smell up the tent. The Super Skunk (which I don't expect to smell like a skunk) and LSD have a fruit smell. When outside of the tent, you notice a semi-dank, damp rainforest-type smell. So in another week or so I will hook up a filter as the plants start aggressive flowering. And yes, it WILL be a DIY filter!


Here are pics of four out of five plants now flowering:

OG Kush on the front-left, LSD on the right.

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Had to increase her nutes from 1/2 tea/gallon to 3/4 tea/gallon since she started looking nitro-hungry!

I took a cutting from her a couple days ago, but I haven't dipped it in rooting hormone and planted it yet; it's just sitting in a cup of water right now. I will be planting it today, so I hope it gets roots within the next two weeks and can be placed in my grow bucket by the end of the month, and into the flowering tent by the third week in January, when I expect the Northern Lights plant to come out for harvest. I will be taking another cutting next week, after she stretches a bit more--just in case I need it.


Active Member
OG Kush - Week #3 of Flowering!

I think this plant is still going through the stretch. I've been tying her down, but I untied a couple branches and they started stretching back up quick! I will be tying them back down today to keep everything nice and even.

Still feeding her veg. nutrients, and I'm going to be upping the dosage from 1/2 tea/gallon of 9-3-6, to 3/4 tea/gallon because her leaves are starting to look a lighter green than she's accustomed to. She's frosting up very nice, and I've only used my bloom nutrients once--still. 3-12-6; I'll probably mix it with the 9-3-6 next week, going into week 4 of flowering. Then week 7-8 I'll probably use just bloom nutrients alone and then start flushing at day 60. We'll see how it goes....

I'll be taking more pics of her later today during her feeding...but here are a couple of flowering pics!

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OG Kush is on the left


So I took a cutting of her on 11/20. I threw it in a cup of water in a 16oz cup, and threw it in a closet.
Five days later, on 11/25, I planted it in seed starter medium (same as I use for all my plants), but with
no perlite, and into a small dixie cup with drain holes and electrical tape to cover it. Notice how BAD her
leaves are drooping!

17 Days After Cutting OG Kush Clone:

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I only misted the clone with water, and watered it with PH'd water about twice a week max. I let the medium get desert dry before watering, and stayed dry for a day or so before watering. It was transferred from a small 8oz cup when I noticed two long roots poking out of the drainholes, 10 days after planting the cutting. I decided to water it for the first time with 1/2 tea/gallon Foliage Pro, on 12/6. The plant looked EXACTLY as you see it above for the ENTIRE time.

This morning, 12/9, I looked at the clone to see if the leaves show any signs of life. They were actually pointed out and up to the light, AND a mass amount of foliage grew. It all literally grew and the plant picked up overnight!! I also noticed a very fat root sticking out of the drain hole of the newly-transplanted cup. So a total of 14 days to root and perk up! I thew her in the growbox with the two Northern Light clones. I'll let her grow for about a month...here she is!

OG Kush Clone Fully Rooted - In 14 Days!

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Active Member
More Pics!

OG Kush...

Just finished my watering ritual. I upped her dose from 1/2 tea/gallon to 3/4 tea/gallon, to get the leaves a bit greener as they are starting to lighten in color from their usual olive green. Also gave her what is probably going to be the last round of using 9-3-6 Foliage Pro without blending with bloom. Time to start fattening up those flowers!

So the lights switched on 11/13, so flowering start is effectively 11/20. As of today, 12/9, she's into day #19 of flower, not counting the first week. Here are some fresh pics!

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Active Member
Juicy Fruit Update!

I haven't put much time, energy, light or anything else into this plant, since I didn't know if it was a female for quite awhile. I cut a clone 4 days ago, and I'll plant it tomorrow, so if I actually LIKE the results after harvest, I'll grow it out full size for the next round, which will be harvested a month after the current plants. Then I'll put more into it.

The plant is VERY easy to grow...extremely easy. Takes very little nutrients and just grows. If it's a good, potent high with a good taste..it's a keeper! Right now it's just teetering on the edge of the tent catching a little lumens here and there, while I focus on the purchased genetics.

Day #19 of Flowering

Here she is in the tent...notice how she's on the edge, close to a 40-watt CFL and about 9-12" away from
the CFL hood above. She's just soaking up excess light from the mylar and the lamp. She'll get a bit more light when I add the additional 6 bulbs in the hood above the Barney's Farms LSD.


And here are some flowering shots!

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Well-Known Member
whats up man just happened to see your grow journal and was excited to see you growing out the LSD , I grew that last time I grew, I didn't have height restrictions and mine ended up being taller then me! hope you do great and have a heavy harvest. Sounds like you got some good strains growin there :)


Active Member
whats up man just happened to see your grow journal and was excited to see you growing out the LSD , I grew that last time I grew, I didn't have height restrictions and mine ended up being taller then me! hope you do great and have a heavy harvest. Sounds like you got some good strains growin there :)
Piper84, Thanks for checking me out! :mrgreen:Yeah, I have height restrictions of about 4 feet, but since I'm using CFLs it's even lower...
gotta keep those lights super close!

So, how many ounces did you get from your LSD harvest? I can imagine pretty big! Did you like the results?

I hope to get at least two ounces from her this run...any more than that is icing on my happy cake!


Active Member
Update Time!

Barney Farm's LSD:

So far so good with the LSD. It's still a bit sensitive to nutrients, so I use as little as possible. Just introduced her to bloom nutrients last feeding, along with a pretty large dose of molasses. So we'll see how she frosts up in the next couple of weeks. She's still under 160 watts with 40 watts of side lighting, but I will be upping that to 300 watts this week, now that she's flowering.

She's stretched about 4-6 inches so far, and is spreading out pretty nice. The stretching is manageable, since she's been propped on top of a box and several books; I just remove the books one-by-one. So I should have no problems with space because she was kidnapped and tied before the switch!!

Oh yeah, the clone I took from her on the 9th finally has roots! I noticed two fuzzy, bright-white roots sticking out of the drain holes. So I'll let her stay in the dome/clone bucket for another 3-4 days. I'm so glad it's taking root because I heard LSD is hard to clone. I love the plant so far so I am glad I will be able to keep her genes going (knock on wood)!

Day #10 Flowering:

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Active Member
OG Kush:

The OG plant is still somewhat finicky with nutrients, but she's able to take higher amounts without showing any signs of burn at all. She's STILL consuming large amounts of nitrogen, and I've been under-feeding in that department rather than over-feeding, to avoid burning her, or screwing up in any way. The last couple weeks of feedings were 50% Foliage Pro and 50% Bloom, and the last two feedings have been 1 tea/gallon of Foliage Pro--the full dosage. I'll continue to feed her as she needs; she has about another 5 weeks to go I'm guessing.

Her clone is doing quite well, and is in a 4" x 8" pot. I'm going to transplant into a 1-gallon whenever I finally get the medium together, and then after a week or so she'll move into a 3-gallon. I want to grow the clone bigger than the mom, so I'll make sure to transplant into a 5-gallon about 3 weeks before flipping the switch to 12/12. THAT should make her bigger than "mom" and thus a bigger yield. I'll also probably let the clone go a little longer "vegging" than the mom did.

Here are a few pics!

OG Kush - Week #5 of Flowering:

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Close-up Bud Shot:


On a side note, I found a seed in a "bag" of SFV OG (San Fernando Valley OG Kush). So I will be growing that one out once I get some room. Who knows..it just might be a female with any luck!

I also found a Grape Ape seed a week before that in a batch of uncured dispensary crap. It tasted just like Grape Ape (I've had it once before), and it was in a free pre-roll I got for being a first time patient. So these dispensary/delivery services are actually paying off in more ways than one, even though I DESPISE them! So maybe I'll be posting more grow journals from more bagseed strains real soon!


Stay tuned for a Juicy Fruit update!


Active Member
Juicy Fruit Update!

Week #7 of Flowering

So I was checking out the maturing buds on my Juicy Fruit plant the other day, thinking..."so far so good and frosty.."


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...Then I noticed a friggin' banana! :cuss:It was small, but I noticed it on two of the buds; I immediately pinched them off. Here's a couple of pics:

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Needless to say, here's how one of those branches ended up--just several hours ago:

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So after picking off the offending appendages, I trimmed off the fan leaves and hung it in my closet at about 75°F or less. Humidity about 19-22%, so it should dry quick which is exactly what I want! I want to get a taste of this early "harvest." My first (unofficial) harvest ever!!

I'll get to try the potency of the bud I picked off, to see if this plant is even worth working with again after I chop it. I took a clone and it's rooted and in my grow bucket, but if this hermie-prone plant isn't at least potent, I won't grow it again. I can imagine if I let the plant get a lot bigger, I will have to keep checking lots more buds for bananas--regularly. No thanks!

Now..keep in mind this plant hangs on the edge of the tent, absorbing leftover CFL light! The plant was all but neglected, with little expense and effort spent, just a bit of time. And the buds are very dense, extremely sticky, very sweet-smelling and full of trichomes. We'll see how it smokes and feels when it dries! I the meanwhile, the plant is now under the CFL hood next to my Super Skunk, and I'll let it go two more weeks then pull it. Unless it gets more bananas; then it's getting cut early.

I'll post some pics of the dry bud soon. My visits to the dispensaries to get herb are coming to an end!!


Active Member
Juicy Fruit Update cont..

I dried the bud of Juicy Fruit that I picked from the plant a couple of days ago. It hung for 24 hours and then I "flash" dried it in the oven for 6-7 intervals of 5 minutes each, at 170°F. Amazingly, the taste and the smoke was not harsh at all, as I expected prior. Matter of fact, the smoke burned to gray ash very smoothly, with no popping and no crackling. Considering the bud was quick-dried and not cured at all, that is pretty good isn't it?

Taste: The taste was actually bland on the inhale, with a slightly-developing aftertaste resembling OG Kush, on the palate. Surprisingly, there was no taste of "grass" or "chlorophyll" at all, and no presence of the sulfur-ish taste I experienced when I bought it from a local dispensary. I could taste small hints of sweetness and fruity-ness, that would be very noticeable after a slow dry and cure. Keep in mind this bud was picked roughly 2 weeks early, since Juicy Fruit flowers at 7-9 weeks.

Unlike the effect I got when I bought the Juicy Fruit from the dispensary from which I found the seed, I actually got VERY high. From one small pinhole-pipe hit. When I first smoked it months ago, I was very disappointed, and angry that I spent $15 on a gram of crap weed with a sulfur-like taste and a mild, nearly non-existent and quick high.

Not THIS time! I took one hit, and I thought to myself, "this is B.S...." Five minutes later, I was very high. Five more minutes and I was higher. It kept getting more intense for about 30 minutes! I can't believe a premature bud I grew at home actually got me high on the FIRST hit. I've been buying $15+ grams that didn't even get me high after a joint...let alone one hit.

So I cut two more buds and they are hanging in the closet on a slow-dry, and then I'll cure them for about a week. The plant is under the CFL hood and all of the popcorn and lower buds are now getting primo light for the first time. So we'll see how it turns out in about two weeks.

Okay, enough chat, here are a couple pics of my pre-harvest!

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* 1/6/14 EDIT:

Two buds are still drying/curing, but I've decided that I will NOT be running this strain again. The high was pretty decent and I was VERY high
after sampling it, but the high was rather "bland." It was all in the head also, not in the body at all like I enjoy. As well, it made me very sleepy
during comedown, which is strange because the sample was harvested at week 7..not later for a "couchlock" effect. After smoking the sample for
a couple days or so, I developed a tolerance QUICK. And when I say smoke, I mean, I smoked less than a gram in total over a few days. So that
just shows the strain SUCKS! It will be cut after harvest and cut out for good.


New Member
I just came across this thread.. Definately enjoying.. I have an LSD in veg.. Day 21... I didn't know they were hard to clone.. I'm thinking of*grabbing a few off it.. I planned on vegging it for about 3 more weeks.. do.. Definately in four more updates. Lol


Active Member
I just came across this thread.. Definately enjoying.. I have an LSD in veg.. Day 21... I didn't know they were hard to clone.. I'm thinking of*grabbing a few off it.. I planned on vegging it for about 3 more weeks.. do.. Definately in four more updates. Lol
Thanks for checking out my grow! My LSD wasn't hard to clone at all...it just took a few days longer to start rooting than my Northern Lights did. But once it rooted, it has given me no problems since. I will be transplanting it today into a 1-gallon as a matter of fact. Is your LSD showing more of Sativa or Indica traits, or is it hard to tell right now?

More updates to come!


Active Member
LSD Update!

So far things are going better than expected with the LSD. She's just starting to become a nitrogen hog, after being super-sensitive and easy-to-burn with nitrogen since her "birth."
Getting quite frosty and smells like a blend of lemon and lime, with a faint skunky smell.

She doesn't care too much for bloom nutrients, so I'm just giving her Foliage Pro 9-3-6 along with epsom salts and molasses. She's directly under the CFL hood and the other two plants (S.S and J.F.) are teetering close to the edge getting the "leftovers." Here are a few pics--again, my horrible cellphone camera makes the leaves appear yellow in many shots, however, they are actually all healthy-green!!

Day #27 of Flower



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Day #30 of Flowering

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More to come soon!


Active Member
OG Kush Update!

Ladies and gents, I have a question about the OG Kush I have. I don't really think it's going to be the "phenotype" I like. Or maybe the seed company I bought it from has only similar cuts, versions..etc? Here's my thing; I went searching online for various pics of OG Kush at 6-7 weeks of flowering. The buds are forming quite large, without the telltale hard yet small nuggets which OG Kush is notorious for. Also the growth pattern of the pistils and calyxes looks different. I'm afraid the flowers may come out airy instead of dense? I don't know--maybe someone with OG experience can enlighten me?

At any rate, I decided that unless it's some super potent stuff, I won't be growing it again. I'm not sure if it's an authentic OG (former clone-only) or the breeder's (Royal Queen Seeds) representation of the original OG Kush. It's also not stretchy and lanky like other OG plants. I'm just waiting to see what it tastes and looks like after it is harvested, dried and cured.

At any rate, she's not giving me any problems at all, and looks nice and happy. I expect her to take longer than expected to finish, since she still has tons of white pistils popping up and no calyx growth really. The seed company states she finishes in 8 weeks but I say...YEAH RIGHT!! More like 10-11 weeks. So I anticipate harvesting next month, nearly 90 days after the 12/12 switch, although I anticipated 70 days.

Here she is currently...pardon the bad camera phone pics. They do the plant no justice.

Week #7 of Flowering

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