The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Yeah, straight up street corner.. OH NO HE DIDN'T


you got any preflowers on the last one thats not flowered yet? be nice for you if you got the 4 fems, i tend to think it looks tidier under the light and all, i`ve three girls and it just feels like theres so much wasted space under the light...


Well-Known Member
I've preflowers on og kush, dog n this morning deep bluexliver no1 so im waiting on 2 more dbxl so fingers crossed ill get atleast one more female more so Hoping dbxl no3 is a female since she's shown the best qualities throughout but just one more n ill have the 4 I hoped for under 600w.

I thought you had only one 600 going? How many did U pop to get the 3 fem?


Well-Known Member
Wasn't gonna bother today but ill throw up some pics later when the lights go on to show U what's what since U always miss my pics haha

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member

watched dazed and confused again lastnight... cracker of a movie...


Well-Known Member
Funnily enough all this ghetto talk got mw to put some 2pac golly I forgot how good he was.Yeah I seen that aaaages ago might give it another watch when I can.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
love a bit of the pac every now and again, but i`m more an early snoop, even earlier ice cube and easy e fan... sporadic these days hat i`d listen ... but boy back in the day...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
no , never heard of him to be honest... i`ve a real mish mash taste in music, not a single genre or two but i think i like a bit of everything from death metal to classical.. and really alternative stuff...


Well-Known Member
thanks fred, is been tough i can`t deny it, and the first time i looked in a mirror knocked me for six... but what you going to do!!! did the mopeing thing for like a week and i couldn`t even be around myself hahahahaha ...
Staying positive is all you can do but easy for me to say.
Do you find having a hobby helps take your mind off things ?

I am curious. Anyone know what "street value" the garda put on a single plant?
A guy I know who was caught with one plant had it valued at 1k but I'd say the valuations are far from consistent.
Hard to know if the grows are linked cos the locations of the busts are so spread out, what is common in all them is the numbers involved.
200 plants need a lot watts, I'd guess 3000-4000 on lights alone with a SOG.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
for sure it helps, the alone time in iself while gardening is a life saver, gets me out of here for at least an hour each evening while i potter about in the shed... how you been keeping? alls well your end i hope, you still working away and growing or you between grows a the moment?


Well-Known Member
thanks fred, is been tough i can`t deny it, and the first time i looked in a mirror knocked me for six... but what you going to do!!! did the mopeing thing for like a week and i couldn`t even be around myself hahahahaha ...
for sure it helps, the alone time in iself while gardening is a life saver, gets me out of here for at least an hour each evening while i potter about in the shed... how you been keeping? alls well your end i hope, you still working away and growing or you between grows a the moment?
I'd say you'd crack up without some kind of pleasant distraction.
Not much new here since we last chatted, work is still slow despite what those pricks in Leinster House say.
I've nothing growing at the mo, my outdoor grow was obliterated by mould and were chopped after 5-6 weeks or so, it was very disappointing in the end.