3 br house dedicated to growing for one year


New Member
Alright so I'm somewhat new to growing. I've been around quite a few of other people's grow ops but have never grown on my own. A friend is going to let me use a house of his strictly for the purpose of growing. It is a three bedroom, one level house, all rooms are about 9'x9'. I have one year in this house to grow as much high quality bud as possible. I have absolutely no equipment yet but I do think I want to grow in soil. I also think I want to keep the total kWh for the entire house under 1800 a month or about 60 kWh for each day so I don't raise any big red flags from the power company. This house is in a place similar to south Florida. Money and time arent really an issue. Any thoughts or suggestions? If you had this scenario for yourself, what would you do?!
Haha. Holy shit. If it were me, one room for vegetation, one room for flowering, and one room for clones and germination. I'm new growing but this would be what I would do knowing what I know now. I could only dream.

I would put three 400 W in the vegetation room, 2 1000 W in the flower room, and shelves in the cloning/germination room with a bunch of shop lights. Four fans in every room. I'm just going to stop there. I think I broke the electric bill already lol.
I change my mind already. I would move the cloning/germination room into the vegetation room. That would save some space and turn the other room into a dark room for harvesting.
If I was start up again from scratch, I'd:

1. Go hydroponically or DWC.......dealing with dirt/lime/perlite (costs/mixing/eliminating after use) is a pain and expensive.

2. Find the best LED's available and use them.......(no bulbs to replace, low or lower heat issues, lower electric). Buy the best you can find.

3. One small clone area in a closet, 1 veg room and everywhere else is flowering.

4. Grow one heavy kush yielder, maybe Reserva Privada OG #18 and don't waste your time with other strains.
Sounds like a 5 year min/mand, $100,000 fine, asset confiscation waiting to happen. Set your first $25K aside for attorney fees.
Man i wish i was your shoes right now.

I'd have to agree on the hydro thing as well. Woulnd't you rather use a simple hose to fill and drrain your systems instead
of messing around with shitloads of soil, mixing it all the time...
florida homes usually don't have basements so....three br's flower rooms.. large veg in living room. powder room can be the seedling/nursery room. cloners go in the veg room as they don't need much light. each flower room with 1800w. (600x3) veg with 2400w (400x6). approx. electric/month=$800.
One year and you have no equiptment, rooms not made, filtration not in, no clones, no expirence... Not gonna be good. You should have at least had your moms and clones ready to go then a week to set the house up but since you have no gear or expirence figure a month to setup get equiptment then if your moms come from seed figure 2 months for those minimal then 2 weeks to cut clones get rooted then 4 weeks flower and 9 weeks flower, week to cut week to dry 30 days to cure minimal.So it can be done but your gonna be on a very tight schedule and if you grow soil figure another month or so into that time and figure 30 hours a week minimal work on it during grow. Sounds like a 600 watt multi setup.If you have the entire house I assume you have the 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, living rooom, dinning room and maybe basement. Depending on what you have dictates the layout. Figue for the setup and the costs for one year full go $100 grand should get you started.
Okay hit the internet and check out how to do sea of green. then led's all the way 5 watt diode's 300 watt total. you want 4 for the room to bloom in. in your veg room you can use led also but more blue those can be 150-200 watters 4 of them also. the 3rd room might need to be flower bloom also so 4 more of the 300 watt 5wattdioes for bllom/flower. i would either go hydro or air injection soil. depends how often you can check system ect. you also want a table in veg room with a t5 light with heat pads for seeds and moisture domes. get riot root cubes with your domes. first you want to have 1 dome going with 50 seeds. 1/2 will be male at worst. those will get you going real fast. just watch sea of green its like 1-2 hrs long here is link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNFfvizBFSE
onlu diff is each week you will use 1/4 -1/2 of each room to get them started and going. so 10k to get it going only diff is i would fim each plant. get fem seeds also saves so much time.
Alright so I'm somewhat new to growing. I've been around quite a few of other people's grow ops but have never grown on my own. A friend is going to let me use a house of his strictly for the purpose of growing. It is a three bedroom, one level house, all rooms are about 9'x9'. I have one year in this house to grow as much high quality bud as possible. I have absolutely no equipment yet but I do think I want to grow in soil. I also think I want to keep the total kWh for the entire house under 1800 a month or about 60 kWh for each day so I don't raise any big red flags from the power company. This house is in a place similar to south Florida. Money and time arent really an issue. Any thoughts or suggestions? If you had this scenario for yourself, what would you do?!

What would I do with 3 9x9 rooms to grow in....

-i would use use one for entirely veg and clones. Put a table and shit in there with a t5 overhead for the clones. The table depends on you really.. But I would get one or two of them folding tables at Walmart. that is just for clones, with 2 tables your most likely going to need 2 t5 lamps I would get 4 foot 4-6 bulb.
-for veg, I would use the same t5 that you use for cloning but get additional ones. Don't move the ones from cloning. One or two maybe 3 would be fine. I say each should be able to handle 3 moms easily. So 3 of them means 9 mothers. Honestly I say more because of what I would so with the other rooms.
- I would use the other two 9x9 rooms for flowering rooms. Both of them. I would put 4-600w lamps in each room 10-15 plants in each room depending on the size of pots you use, and how big you grow them. But I would put 4-600w lamps in each of the other two 9x9 rooms.
- my method for growing would be coco hempy buckets

The design of the rooms and how you're going to cool it is another issue, but honestly I would do the above..

i estimate about 6000 watts total for the grow without ac.. Maybe more maybe less depends what fans and stuff you get. But at 12 cents which is more then what I get charged and 24 hours the veg should be 18/6 and flower 12/12 so it will be less then the projected 550 bucks a month
someone spending too much time watching WEEDS reruns. A real grow of this size takes time and planning. A whole lotta work to grow and harvest. Going to take some serious cash to get started and then what to do when year is up.
Since you are new to growing I am going to suggest you be very careful about bringing pests into the house. If you start from clones you need to quarantine them and treat them with floramite, tetrasan, forbid or similar etc. before you bring them into the house (search the site to find out how/amounts/etc). Look into preventative solutions for pests as well. Better would be to start from seed IMO.

Your work load will double or triple if you get a bad pest infestation. Don't wear your shoes into the house have separate shoes, I would have separate clothes too, no pets and so forth.

You don't want a big learning curve getting that much bigger...
Yo dude! Start with a few plants and a small setup, if you try what you are thinking you are doomed to fail, this i can assure you.
you cant just start a professional grow-op as a novice, there are so many things that can happen, so many variables and so much expense.
If you wanna grow great commercial weed you need 2 things experience and knowledge. and you have neither, i've grown out quite a few crops
and i wouldnt attempt a grow op like that because i know how much work it is and believe me what your talking about is a full time job.
Start small and keep thinking big and you'll get there.
As you try this whole house deal you got going I will sit in my living room watch tv and bam a special report will pop up home in florida used for growing has been seized along with assets. The renter has been placed in jail. The home owner is also wanted for questioning. The home is now being taken be feds dea blah blah blah. Dude save yourself the headache and start in a closet and learn cause you will drop so much money on everything to find out damn whats this problem... newb section thread called I have a house full of plants how do I grow and whats wrong with them. Just stop while your ahead we all have had that same dream