The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
About the likes disappearing.....


Global Moderator Mr. Ganja
Join DateJul 2008

Like button temp disabled.[/h]
I spoke with the ADMIN today, he said and im quoting
" it had to be temporary disabled so we can fix the server issues. The current likes system was crashing our servers (you may have noticed them being unresponsive)"

Hopefully our likes will be back up and running soon but for the time being they are temporarily disabled.

He is trying to fix the picture issue as well so hopefully that will be up and running again soon.

Thank you everyone for being patient , we are working on getting this resolved for you!


Well-Known Member
My mate that lives in the next block to me had that asbestos check today( the one i might get soon that im worried about) n when I asked him bout what ares they wanted into I certainly didnt get the reply I was hoping for

"Yer they checked everywhere.

The floor tiles under the carpet and kitchen. In the cupboard's, under the sink, under the bath, in the bedrooms. Around the heat exchanger in the toilet at the back of the boiler, everywhere."

Fuck, fuck fuck n cunting fuck

Just ignore them when they chap ur door mate. Or if they see/hear u in answer and say ur house sitting for a month while the tenant is on holiday and u don't feel comfortable letting them in to go thru the house that isn't even urs lol.

Worth a try mate I've used they excuses myself before to good success


Well-Known Member
Just ignore them when they chap ur door mate. Or if they see/hear u in answer and say ur house sitting for a month while the tenant is on holiday and u don't feel comfortable letting them in to go thru the house that isn't even urs lol.

Worth a try mate I've used they excuses myself before to good success
Yeah well ive got bout 6-7 weeks roughly until these are done, have held off on cracking any new seeds til i know whats going on with this.

Cant use the house sitting excuse as with our council there is a clause in the contract that you have to notify em in writing if you are going away for more than 7 days or get fined etc if they find out

What I think im gonna do is pop into the council office an jus say something like " my mate lives in next block n had asbestos check n all the workers are smart dressed english managers n bulgarian workers all with company high vis vests on but we have had a scruffy looking bloke with a pikey accent with no I.D. asking to get into our property to do the same check could you just confirm he is genuine an if we are even due a check? etc" and see what they let slip,

They may just give us a bit more idea of whats going on n when etc


Well-Known Member
Just decided to make a bit of qwiso forgot I had a few bits to use so fuck it gave it all a wash someones gonna be hot knifing tonight lol


Well-Known Member
i g
had my asbestos check, if u have atrtex check and see if its pre 1990 if so it will ned checking in 3 diffrent spots, next, floor tiles the only ones that contain it are them black slate ooking ones wat are always fucked down the edge of yal hallway its like 0.0000001% but its ther and they removed them and put them creamy ones down,

it is wht it is,

yeh rim some wikid news, not going into it in here but im a happy happy guy, well will be very VERY soon.


Well-Known Member
Haha I knew your ears would.prick up baz lmao...if I had a fanny I strap a matress to me back I'd be a reet little slag with a minge like a hippos yawn lol


Well-Known Member
i g
had my asbestos check, if u have atrtex check and see if its pre 1990 if so it will ned checking in 3 diffrent spots, next, floor tiles the only ones that contain it are them black slate ooking ones wat are always fucked down the edge of yal hallway its like 0.0000001% but its ther and they removed them and put them creamy ones down,

it is wht it is,

yeh rim some wikid news, not going into it in here but im a happy happy guy, well will be very VERY soon.
Well if ya fancy divulging you got my e-mail lol, regardles of whether ya do or not congrats on ya news whatever it is, bout time someone in here had some good news


Well-Known Member
Looks lovely and clear that shawny post a pic of the finished product m8 let's see how pure u got it this time, I'm gonna be doing a small batch tomorrow as soon as my ISO arrives lol


Well-Known Member
Cheers man Yeh I will do mate its taking forever to evap tho...haha Yeh its fun to make aint it and you don't need a great deal to.make some really nice hash oil