The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

How well do you think Gilfman's grow season will turn out?

  • Awesome! BIG yields with grade-A buds!

    Votes: 42 16.0%
  • Good season .. Great for a begginner

    Votes: 102 38.9%
  • Ehh.. Average

    Votes: 54 20.6%

    Votes: 21 8.0%
  • Gets busted and has no harvest time to enjoy.. Poor Gilfman... :(

    Votes: 43 16.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
hmm im gunna use some mollasses with the manure. and some peroxide.

and see how that works. maybe just keeping adding things.

i wana make a mini compost pile and then saok that dirt in water, filter it out then see how that works too.
compost you could do next year cause it takes a while to compost shit and food lol .. i have a big pile of compost now at my house


Well-Known Member
yeah. i mena just a rlly small pile. i wana start it now.

like maybe eggs? some left overs? and keep pouring Mollasses and the cowshit water on it over the years period.

then use that soil?


Well-Known Member
yeah. i mena just a rlly small pile. i wana start it now.

like maybe eggs? some left overs? and keep pouring Mollasses and the cowshit water on it over the years period.

then use that soil?
yeah put egg shells , waste off fresh fruit and veggies, leftovers, roadkill, poop (animal lol), anything biodegradable really, and u can ask local restaurants for the scrap food they throw out for it ... continued* grass clippings, leaves, rotting logs, etc
thats really just a few things


Well-Known Member
i got ya. as much as everyone eats in my house i will just start throwing the leftovers in a bag then every weekend walk it back thier and stir it in.


Well-Known Member
i got ya. as much as everyone eats in my house i will just start throwing the leftovers in a bag then every weekend walk it back thier and stir it in.
haha .. yeah and clean the roads of roadkill .. here in WV its legal to eat it .. but never do haha


Well-Known Member
now some plant pics :D .. no bugs today! that insecticide works ... sun was out today and they were loving it .. i took pics when a cloud came so that this why it isnt too bright ... but plant 4's secondary leaves are coming in so there is a shot for it right? ... and i noticed one of my other plants were topped by nature .. so idk what is up with that? close up of plant 2's growing leaves also .. i know i need to say what each pic is about but i'll do that next time ... but there are my plants hope you enjoy

forgot the batteries for trail cam today .. i'll get those hopefully tomorrow ..



Well-Known Member
seems you have a real nice setup going! I had a plot with about 12 plants get toatlly wiped out by a bad wind storm, bent all of my little ladies right over and they all died, so I here ya on that shitty weather. I have 8 outside in pots that are about a foot and a half tall. Keep the logg going and be sure to hook us up with them pics! FYI, it might be easier to start them inside next time, i am having twice the luck with the plants I started in a simple grow box than the seeds I germinated and planted. Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
seems you have a real nice setup going! I had a plot with about 12 plants get toatlly wiped out by a bad wind storm, bent all of my little ladies right over and they all died, so I here ya on that shitty weather. I have 8 outside in pots that are about a foot and a half tall. Keep the logg going and be sure to hook us up with them pics! FYI, it might be easier to start them inside next time, i am having twice the luck with the plants I started in a simple grow box than the seeds I germinated and planted. Happy growing!
no option to grow indoors at first... i had them in cups outside after they sprouted indoors but that's about it ..


Well-Known Member
plants are looking great! I got lost in your jornual and finally made it through the whole thing, so my last post was a little out of text. I will def. be following you.


Well-Known Member
plants are looking great! I got lost in your jornual and finally made it through the whole thing, so my last post was a little out of text. I will def. be following you.
glad to have your support and its cool .. more pics coming at the end of this week or early next ... like usual ha .. but of course an update everyday lol