Bullshit Music And What It Can Do!


Active Member
:peace:Well some rap and stuff like that is alright but most of it ruined music and life itself cause we got these people that have to be just like that culture and they dont like anyone who isnt like them but if we got rid of some of this bullshit music maybe people will love eachother more and sit around and get high and be happy but we all know thats only what dreams are made of and its not only rap its other music too.Any thoughts?:-|


Well-Known Member
I know. I was thinking about it the other day. "Gangsta" culture is so lame. And that is all part of what rap does to people. Especially white people. I never understood why a white person that lives in the suburbs that listens to rap needs to express themselves as if they were in the hood. Plus this music promotes absolutely nothing besides...bitches, clubs, money. And thats it. That is all that music is about. Talk about a waste of space.

At least with good music. And I'm talking about the classics here man promote new ways of looking at life and how to move on from sad times and how to embrace the best of times. Not a bunch of egotistical bullshit, but free love.


Well-Known Member
i agree and its sad. seems like nobody cares or trusts anyone anymore. the whole world mentality is " gonna take what i want and fuck everyone else get in my way and ill kill ya". Now guess where this shitty attitude came from.... you got it ghetto culture,gansta rap.


Well-Known Member
i agree for the most part. there is alot of hip hop out there about many other subjects. Some of it is like spoken word poetry, which is where hip hop came from in the first place.

now that shit on the radio, yes, its sucks.


Active Member
but wut happen to music like floyd,zep,hendrix and all the other greats the only band ive heard lately thats actually good is this no name band called minus bear now thats music!


Well-Known Member
yea I'm strongly aginst the "gangsta thug culture" especialy the stuff that glorifies violence and money. Its just such an easy medium for big corperations to work thier magic with.

I'm no expert on why people like rap or hiphop, but I'm pretty sure most of it has to do with the message or topic the rapper is trying to get across, something that the listener can relate to. I realy doubt the avid rap/hiphop fan is listening to the stuff for the beat or melody. I'm also very aware alot of ppl out there listen to the stuff just for the ridiculously loud base that makes thier car vibrate (as to draw attention to themselves)
musical composition means little to none to them, at that point its just about (bass)'s physical vibration. who cares whats played or sung then.

on the opposite note, why must anything "good" be from america. Thiers plenty of awesome bands and music out there from other countries. I mean do you realy have to understand the lyrics to like a song? or does something have to have singing in it for you to enjoy it? does everything have to have jimi hendrix or led zepplin's name / lable of approval on it to be worthy of listening to?


Active Member
on the opposite note, why must anything "good" be from america. Thiers plenty of awesome bands and music out there from other countries. I mean do you realy have to understand the lyrics to like a song? or does something have to have singing in it for you to enjoy it? does everything have to have jimi hendrix or led zepplin's name / lable of approval on it to be worthy of listening to?
no i totally agree with you,daft punk is an awesome band to listen to cause their songs dont really have words it trys to reach out to everyone with their music.


Well-Known Member
to quote and answer kasuhit.

why must anything "good" be from america. Thiers plenty of awesome bands and music out there from other countries. I mean do you realy have to understand the lyrics to like a song? or does something have to have singing in it for you to enjoy it? does everything have to have jimi hendrix or led zepplin's name / lable of approval on it to be worthy of listening to? ahhh zeppelin is from england. no one said anything about it being specifficly american. pink floyd is also english not american k -now


Active Member
why must anything "good" be from america. Thiers plenty of awesome bands and music out there from other countries. I mean do you realy have to understand the lyrics to like a song? or does something have to have singing in it for you to enjoy it? does everything have to have jimi hendrix or led zepplin's name / lable of approval on it to be worthy of listening to? ahhh zeppelin is from england. no one said anything about it being specifficly american. pink floyd is also english not american k -now
You have a point.


Well-Known Member
does everything have to have jimi hendrix or led zepplin's name / lable of approval on it to be worthy of listening to?

I knew this would come up, just examples I was using. I'm just saying popular music in general (NOTHING AGINST JIMI OR LED ZEPLIN)

you know people that are afraid of unheard of foreign music, cuz they think thier friends will make fun of them:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
i really dont think pot people are as close minded as your assuming.i think we listen to and apreciate all kinds of music from all over the world. i for instance love irish folk/ rock like lorraina mckennett. but the point of the thread is how a specific type of music and culture has had a negitive impact on society in not olny america but many other countries as well.


Well-Known Member
i really dont think pot people are as close minded as your assuming.i think we listen to and apreciate all kinds of music from all over the world.
I realy hope so, I hope that its just me and I've been hanging around the wrong people for too long.


Well-Known Member
yeah bad music makes people do crazy shit. especially the suburban white guys that wear the skin tight black jeans that look like girls jeans from the 80's. that should be banned.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight, you want to bring different cultures together by destroying the ones YOU don't like? Sounds a bit hypocritical.

I don't particularly like death metal or country music, but I can respect it and the people who listen to it.


Well-Known Member
i really dont think pot people are as close minded as your assuming.i think we listen to and apreciate all kinds of music from all over the world. i for instance love irish folk/ rock like lorraina mckennett. but the point of the thread is how a specific type of music and culture has had a negitive impact on society in not olny america but many other countries as well.

lorraia mckennett..she fucking rules. holy shit my dad used to play that on out road trips to colorado from texas, and it was a journey every time. she is better than lord of the rings. rep for you! :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:


Active Member
So let me get this straight, you want to bring different cultures together by destroying the ones YOU don't like? Sounds a bit hypocritical.

I don't particularly like death metal or country music, but I can respect it and the people who listen to it.
well than i respect you for that but wut im saying is alot people get blinded by the influence of music i respect people that respect me and alot of those "blind" people cant see that.so the moral of this story why cant we just get along btw i said rap isnt the only music that has a negative influence but i like some rap like muck sticky,cypress hill,and etc. so thats what i have to say about that.


Well-Known Member
well than i respect you for that but wut im saying is alot people get blinded by the influence of music i respect people that respect me and alot of those "blind" people cant see that.so the moral of this story why cant we just get along btw i said rap isnt the only music that has a negative influence but i like some rap like muck sticky,cypress hill,and etc. so thats what i have to say about that.
And I respect you for that.

But I do not respect anyone who wants to destroy one culture and force theirs upon others. I'm by no means for all the "money, cash, hoes"(although that is a decent song :D) hip hop, but I don't think the answer is to destroy it. All mentalities start somewhere, and in hip-hop it tends to be poverty. Eliminate poverty and you will see the mentality of the culture change.

It would also be nice if everyone could accept each other. Education starts at home, and America needs better parents.


Well-Known Member
it has such reach and people send shit through the air waves and atmosphere america smells if you dont know