First, There are different phases of narcotic addiction. At the first level, most people can get off the drug by themselves. The second level is when help by professionals assist in defeating the addiction. But the possibility of jumping off the wagon is there and happens throughout multiple treatments. The third level is when the drug take control of you, it destroys any hope of cure and death follows without it.
This is very incorrect. It is not so. Saying it is so, and basing the rest of your thesis is a mistake.
I have had direct expereince with what you term severe addiction to opioid narcotics. I have the standing to say: It is not as you describe.
So they continue to do them to stay alive. This is where there humanity is lost forever. They are just a breeding ground for the drug to thrive. Useless and hopeless and become a danger to civilization around them for they care not about anything but their next fix. Will do anything for that fix as well. I stand my ground with the third level. The other two can be tolerated, and the second level only to a point. I have witnessed all three and the final results.
My anectdote can whup your anecdote's ass.
The criminality you speak of whether expensive or cheap, legal or illegal is a direct result of the drugs addiction made by a choice said person made.
This is "begging the question" predicated upon your wrong concept of drug addiction. Imo.
You cannot blame the drug. If the drug is readily available cheap and common, you can blame society and or the person addicted because it is one the same.
No. The person and society are distinct. "Society" is an abstraction, a sort of shorthand. it is not the sentient monolith the term suggests.
I disagree that the ills will disappear if the drug is legal or cheap or reduced dosage. it will prolong the trip through the levels to which out of control exists. The prohibition of alcohol failed because the majority of citizens did not oppose it but wanted it. This is how you decide whether or not to prohibit. You don`t see the majority of citizens wanting to legalize all drugs for rec. use or even controlled use. Your Country will fail as a whole when you damage trust and set in place laws to satisfy a select few against the will of the majority.
You can't legislate biology.
Please leave Religion out, for Jesus Christ himself drank wine, when talking about alcohol. It`s not a drug when abused, it`s more like a disease. Jesus did not abuse it. I myself do not drink.
I posit that religion is central. Many in this land either expressly or less awarely religious in the formulation or acquisition of their lifelong moral compass. It's the second category, the ones who make these moral calls without owning the process by which they did so, who can have real effects on policy. At that point it becomes my duty, as one aware of that way of thinking and of my reasons for deeming it wrong, to speak in opposition.
Many USA protestants view drinking as a sin.
How do you think the Volstead Act gained such traction?
Read some of the temperance literature of the time.
The champions were soldiers doing God's work in God's land.
And I posit that much of the opposition to drugs, typified by your thought process and conclusions you enumerate here, is based on that imposed moral argument, regardless of the medical, biological and psychological science that is being developed on the relevant issues.
Legal script drug addiction is a choice made by the addict just as a addiction to a Class 1 is. Crime exists is all phases of civilization including the medical profession. Drug companies such as Pfizer have cornered the market as to what drugs become available and wich do not see production and cost plus profit have much to do about that.
I don`t wanna hear the prison BS because we can put drunk drivers under stiff penalties in there so much faster and often.
I truly believe you are wrong about your comparison of pot, alcohol with manufactured mind and body controlling drugs you cannot defeat once addicted to them. Both pot and alcohol are defeated simply by not doing them anymore. Cocaine is just as natural as pot, and it is very addictive. it is no better or worse than pot, alcohol, PCP, or gasoline as an inhalant drug. There si NO moral hierarchy here. In my previous post i laid that out. Any moral hierarchy is not fact, and its principal utility lies in dividing drug users for their eventual conqhest and obliteration as legitimate voices.
We hang together but think separately. You don`t have to support or not support the "our is the better drug" because it`s about risk and control, not winning.
Your last paragraph is where you fail. You fail to include citizens right to govern by majority. You mention not how you consider what the non partisipants feel or wish to have as government and law. You will never Skipper my ship because you put the ship before the crew. You absolutely cannot ignore the vast majority in favor of the select few and your ship is just Iron without it`s crew.
It will suck if this took too long for my limited typing skills and I get logged off.
Again, no. The majority can be wrong. You can't legislate biology. And it is precisely when the majority is wrong that people like me, who have some hard-won professional knowledge, incur the
duty to speak, to present an alternative and rational point to the various ills and wrongs being armored with the twin shells of common knowledge and approved ideology.
I speak plainly against the idea that drugs are evil, and that drug users are evil. I would ask you to apply the single standard you accord to alcohol. Drug addiction is like alcohol addiction in that it is a public health issue, a vulnerability of the organism. It is also not nearly as hopeless or moraly perilous as you suggest. It isn't an irreversible soul trap. With any drug, all that is needed is the sustained act of will: walk away; stay away. People can be marvelously strong if they so choose. the evidence of that is in the growing number of folks who overcome eating disorders. These are quite similar in their medical features to drug addictions or maladaptive behavior loops (like "addiction" to gambling), with one big difference.
Yuou can walk away from drugs or gambling.
You cannot walk away from eating.
The ones who succeed at controlling an eating disorder stand as a refutation of the addiction model you have presented.