I have defoliated my plants in the hope to increase my yeild :)

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Personally I'd be hoping the plant won't die from that raping.
Yield is your last problem fella, better vege it until it comes back to good health before 12/12.
ok maybe not the best move, any advice only trying to pull 5oz's
going to give it 2 week to recover before I turn it over to flower
I saw a guy who defoliates his plants like this and pulls amazing yields still but he uses some special supplement that can only be found by extracting the correct dna sequence from the 27yr old bull semen located at the deepest point of your mothers snatch.

lol thanks urban very helpfull
i saw a guy who defoliates his plants like this and pulls amazing yields still but he uses some special supplement that can only be found by extracting the correct dna sequence from the 27yr old bull semen located at the deepest point of your mothers snatch.

omg lmfao. :D
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