"global warming petition project" peer reviewed and everything???


Well-Known Member
Most people over 40?

Citation needed or its all made up. You stated that it was fact, facts are provable, prove it.

Are you MSU?
*more people, happy now?

More people in the US over 40 deny valid scientific theories like evolution and climate change than younger people, that's a fact

The same point remains valid; older generations are generally more traditional and less open minded, especially when it comes to science, than younger generations

So clearly, the assumption of "age = intelligence" is flawed, age might = "wisdom" however you define that, but it certainly doesn't = intelligence, also a fact.


Well-Known Member
*more people, happy now?

More people in the US over 40 deny valid scientific theories like evolution and climate change than younger people, that's a fact

The same point remains valid; older generations are generally more traditional and less open minded, especially when it comes to science, than younger generations

So clearly, the assumption of "age = intelligence" is flawed, age might = "wisdom" however you define that, but it certainly doesn't = intelligence, also a fact.

You know that belief in evolution doesn't mean anything right? Evolution is a THEORY. That's why they call it The THEORY of Evolution, and not the LAW of evolution.

Wanna know something? They can't figure out the evolution of man, there is a missing link.

You might want to work on your intelligence a bit.


Well-Known Member
You know that belief in evolution doesn't mean anything right? Evolution is a THEORY. That's why they call it The THEORY of Evolution, and not the LAW of evolution.

Wanna know something? They can't figure out the evolution of man, there is a missing link.

You might want to work on your intelligence a bit.
yeah, you;re right.

sky daddy did it all.

damn, i feel so much smarter now.


Well-Known Member
You know that belief in evolution doesn't mean anything right? Evolution is a THEORY. That's why they call it The THEORY of Evolution, and not the LAW of evolution.

Wanna know something? They can't figure out the evolution of man, there is a missing link.

You might want to work on your intelligence a bit.
You know gravity is just a theory, too, right?


Well-Known Member
if the climate models were really that far off, you would have no problem citing them.

Climate Scientist: 73 UN Climate Models Wrong, No Global Warming in 17 Years

Global temperatures collected in five official databases confirm that there has been no statistically significant global warming for the past 17 years, according to Dr. John Christy, professor of atmospheric science and director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH).

Christy's findings are contrary to predictions made by 73 computer models cited in the United Nation’s latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (5AR). “All 73 models’ predictions were on average three to four times what occurred in the real world,” Christy pointed out. “The closest was a Russian model that predicted a one-degree increase."

Michaels pointed out that 18 separate experiments published since Jan. 1, 2011 show that the IPCC’s climate models are off by 46 percent when it comes to temperature CO2 sensitivity. “The pressure to warm the atmosphere by CO2 has somehow been cancelled out completely by natural forces,” he said. “Surface temperature is simply not as sensitive to changes in CO2 as was assumed by the climate modeling community.” http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/barbara-hollingsworth/climate-scientist-73-un-climate-models-wrong-no-global-warming-17

Michaels pointed out that 18 separate experiments published since Jan. 1, 2011 show that the IPCC’s climate models are off by 46 percent when it comes to temperature CO2 sensitivity. “The pressure to warm the atmosphere by CO2 has somehow been cancelled out completely by natural forces,” he said. “Surface temperature is simply not as sensitive to changes in CO2 as was assumed by the climate modeling community.” - See more at: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/barbara-hollingsworth/climate-scientist-73-un-climate-models-wrong-no-global-warming-17#sthash.H5lC52qC.dpuf

Climate Scientist: 73 UN Climate Models Wrong, No Global Warming in 17 Years - See more at: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/barbara-hollingsworth/climate-scientist-73-un-climate-models-wrong-no-global-warming-17#sthash.H5lC52qC.dpuf

Climate Scientist: 73 UN Climate Models Wrong, No Global Warming in 17 Years - See more at: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/barbara-hollingsworth/climate-scientist-73-un-climate-models-wrong-no-global-warming-17#sthash.H5lC52qC.dpuf



Well-Known Member
No, its called Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

Younger people are smarter eh?
"Newton's law of universal gravitation postulates that the gravitational force of two bodies of mass is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. It provides an accurate approximation for most physical situations including spacecraft trajectory."

There are two meanings to the word "theory", one used in science and one used in laymans terms. In science, a theory is a collection of facts that all support a common idea, in laymans terms a theory is an idea that hasn't been proven. Evolution, like climate change, is undeniable. The only people that deny them are ignorant of how they actually work or already hold a political or religious bias, there are literally no other reasons. You are clearly both, as you don't accept the theory of evolution or climate change


Well-Known Member
"Newton's law of universal gravitation postulates that the gravitational force of two bodies of mass is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. It provides an accurate approximation for most physical situations including spacecraft trajectory."

There are two meanings to the word "theory", one used in science and one used in laymans terms. In science, a theory is a collection of facts that all support a common idea, in laymans terms a theory is an idea that hasn't been proven. Evolution, like climate change, is undeniable. The only people that deny them are ignorant of how they actually work or already hold a political or religious bias, there are literally no other reasons. You are clearly both, as you don't accept the theory of evolution or climate change
Still waiting on that proof.


Well-Known Member
...according to Dr. John Christy...
Dr. Christy, agrees with the IPCC’s [2001] assessment that in the light of new evidence and taking into account remaining uncertainties, most of the observed warming over the last fifty years is likely to have been due to the increase in GHG concentrations."


he also works with roy spencer. who is roy spencer?

Spencer is a signatory to An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming,[SUP][24][/SUP][SUP][25][/SUP] which states that "Earth and its ecosystems – created by God's intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence – are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting".




Well-Known Member
Show me that the IQ's of people over age 40 are less than those under 40.
More people in the US over 40 deny valid scientific theories like evolution and climate change than younger people

It's pretty clear that's not what I said.. Keep on point, please..

If you believe in god, you can't be a scientist.
There are scientists who believe in a personal god, it's not til you get to fundamentalism where the two ideas are mutually exclusive, or if you take the bible literally