Second grow acapulco gold

What's up guys! This is my second grow and I'm trying to do all organic..I have acapulco gold, white widow and super skunk. The white widow is from royal queen and I Dnt know if it's genetics or what but I doesn't seem to be doing to well. I will be keeping this journal and updating every other day..I'm just running a 400 watt hps and will be trying scrog for the first time, hope all goes well. I'm using ffof soil and the general organics line. So here's how they look so far.. shld be first is ag then ww then ss.

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The acapulco seems to be moving right along and the Super skunk I started a little later so it's a few days behind, I Dnt know what the deal with the white widow is but it almost looks like it has deformities. .right now there just under a 100 watt flourex..getting ready to add a few cfls till my light is done flowering my other girls and then they will go under a 400 watt mh.

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Well-Known Member
Please keep this updated!! I am ordering a 10 pack of the AG amongst some others and am curious what i am getting into!!

Subbed up
I def plan on it..I still yet havent seen acapulco gold from start to finish so I'm very curious to see how she turns out. I'm getting ready to add a few more cfls to the set up until about two weeks when my other girls come outta flower so I can use that 400 mh light on them till they start to flower

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Ok so here's another update. Ag is looking great it's real vigorous as well as the ss but I just Dnt know about the ww it still just looks like crap, I guess that's what I get for not getting the better white widow genetics. I added two more cfls to them, got about another week left on my flowering girls and then I can use that light. So all in all seems to Bo going ok so far.

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OK guys here's another update, today was there first feeding (using general organics lineup). I'm seriously debating on getting rid of my ww, it really seems like really bad genetics, has a lot of deformities..Also I noticed my super skunk was missing a leaf on one of its sets but that's not too bad so I'm gonna drive on with it..If the white widow isn't doing any better in say a week I may get rid of it I don't wanna waste time and money if it's genetics and can't be fixed. On a better note the Acapulco is doing great.. I will probably top her in a week or here's some pics I will get a pic up of the ww and see what u guys think i it's worth working with it.

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Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
I haven't seen gold in twenty years. Used to Call if Blondie in NYC. Was thinking of getting some seeds. Nice to see you can DIY with weed. Loved the stuff
Well this is barney farm Acapulco gold (there take on it) I've heard pretty good things on this strain so I decided to try my self and see if it measures up to the gold of old..sadly I believe the original is probably all but lost as it probably has been crossed so many times and with so many other strains, although I'm sure there are a few old heads out there that still have that pure strain hidden away in there grow room somewhere. .it's not impossible, im just hoping this take on it will maybe come close and if not I will at least enjoy the ride!

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OK so today I built a scrog screen as this will be my first scrog. I'm still not sure weather or not to scrog them all or just one of them. I built the screen to fit perfectly in My small flowering space, which is 4×3×8, so I may have to do them all.

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So today i went ahead and topped the gold. I really do think I'm gonna get rid of the ww I've been trying to let her go and Se what happens but she just seems so dam deformed..I think I'm gonna just go ahead and germ a og kush#18 or super lemon haze not sure which but probably do it's some pics of the topping..bottom one is super skunk

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So here's another update, I'm posting a pic of the ww cause I really think it has some deformities and will only give me hassle the rest of the grow..not that I'm not willing to try to keep her alive and work at it but I feel like it's nothing that I'm doing since she's had strange deformities since day one (missing leaves, leaves growing into each other and just an all together deformed look and feel) I went ahead and started to germ a super lemon haze and an og kush#18 to keep the here she is and I will circle things on the pic that I think are at least cause to yank her and save the head aches and money..

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Just so everyone knows the ww hasn't been over watered, underwatered, no nutes, haven't been under too much heat or too little, happy frog potting soil and ff ocean forest, from the first time she popped soil she was deformed so long story short I think I'm gonna pull her I have another for later on if I need it..I probably give her another week just to see if she straitenes out..meanwhile here's the super skunk and Acapulco. .

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