Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Well-Known Member
It should be the same as the plant you had taken clones from. Once the clone develops a good root system and the nodes are alternating again you would let it grow like you would a non clone and top.

Edit: the only stupid question is the one not asked. :wink:
... yes but there will be alternating nodes under the opposing nodes. So, top just above the second opposing node, correct?


Well-Known Member
I've done the seeds it's easy to tell where the second node is. Works very well! With my clones there's so many new branches that it hard to tell where second node is. Could I top and trim off all the branches but 4 and get the Uncle Ben's 4 colas?
Not to my understanding. See UB's advice in the quote I posted about an hour ago. As he states, before typing, bring the clone back into a vegetative state to where it's creating opposing nodes again. My question is only where I would then top it at.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, not saying your way is wrong. Cause it would work for most cases. It's just when I remember myself blindly following the procedure. I just wanted to point that "stress from which plants needs to recover" or "one week of veg after topping" is more something that fits your grow plan, not something that is really needed. ppl here say plant triples in size when flipped. Well yeah, but some plants get to 3' when flipped at 3".. Just saying :)
Yup.Same way i did.Fuck schedules man..:D . I 'm having a hassle right now ,i got to figure where the fuck i will fit all of my plants.I did start with a lot :D . Nevermind tho.All the ladies will fit to fulfil their purpose.Happy Grows guyz..!

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Hey Ben, can you tell me why one plant is thriving off this soil but my auto isn't?

I flushed it and it started getting better with no more clawing and the new growth was looking nice and then:

Buds look great though and I have 14 tops.
Without knowing what you did on a day to day basis, no I can't.

Hey UB, first off, great thread; you rarely see a forum member so dedicated to helping others to the extent you do and especially keeping a thread alive and continuing to answer questions of the save topic for over 5 years!

That said, I have a question based on the above quoted reply regarding alternating nodes (for topping a clone that already exhibits phytollaxy). Above you say to bring the clone back into a vegetative state by way of higher nitrogen levels and obviously longer light schedule. My question is once the nodes are opposing again do I still pinch (cut) just above the 2nd node, or just above the second opposing node? I know this is probably a stupid question and assume the latter but would like to get your guidance rather than assume.

Thanks Ben!
Look, if you MUST do this method and want to do it nice and easy with guaranteed results then start with seeds.


Well-Known Member
pentoxide and oxide? For a soil food that's weird, never heard of such. Usually phosphorous is delivered in the form of a phosphate or phosphoric acid and potassium in the form of a chloride or sulphate.
Well it definitely is .I got myself some Dyna Gro Foliage Pro + Jack's all purpose food.Which one should i try first ? I want to go steady and safe.Get a feel of what it does and how and advance..


Well-Known Member
Look, if you MUST do this method and want to do it nice and easy with guaranteed results then start with seeds.
Hmmm yes, that would be ideal.. but does absolutely no good if I have clones and no seeds... My apologies for wanting to try a new training technique. How dare I believe you have a sound technique and wish to use it on a clone.

Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
How long did the buds in the original post take to dry? I've never grown one half that big and was wondering how much time to add to my odor control in the closet

Miley T

New Member
A week of vegging after you topped is what it takes to get them ready to switch.It's GREAT for Sog.It keeps your canopy on 4 heavy colas..what else do ya need :D ?It is a great way to maximize everything.You need HEALTHY plants to top and flip to flower tho.Keep them green start to finish.And read this thread.All of it.
Thanks UB, Been reading through it the past few days... 530 pages of info!!
Another question, does anyone know about the Freedom 35 strain from Dr Green Thumb? Wondered how well it would respond to this technique, if anyone has any experience


Well-Known Member
Thanks UB, Been reading through it the past few days... 530 pages of info!!
Another question, does anyone know about the Freedom 35 strain from Dr Green Thumb? Wondered how well it would respond to this technique, if anyone has any experience
It's MJ right? Then it will respond very well. ;)
If not, then you have some other problems in your garden ;)


Well-Known Member
Excuse me?
Excuse you what? Perhaps I misread the intent and tone of your response, but i don't feel that's the case. I first posted gratitude for being a great asset to this forum and mentor to many fellow growers, then asked a question and you answer it like you're rolling your eyes on top of a pedestal. If I was working with seeds I wouldn't have asked the question. You've obviously eluded to the fact that it can be done in past posts, I was simply seeking clarification on where cut should occur for these circumstances. No worries though, I received helpful answers from other members.

A polite answer may have looked something like this: Well this method certainly provides more predictable results when used on a plant started from seed, but if you plan to try on a clone, I would recommend cutting just above the 2nd ______ (opposing or alternating) node. Or just a one word reply of "alternating" or "opposing" would have sufficed.

I guess in the end if you didn't want to answer a question, simply don't answer it. If you do, great. Nobody is obligated to answer another person's question, but when a person is showing gratitude for past information you've shared and acknowledging a helpful thread I would at least think if you do decide to answer, that it wouldn't be a quick supercilious, disdainful remark.

Regardless of this trivial group of posts I do still respect you for what you've given the MJ community and harbor no animosity.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Excuse you what? Perhaps I misread the intent and tone of your response, but i don't feel that's the case. I first posted gratitude for being a great asset to this forum and mentor to many fellow growers, then asked a question and you answer it like you're rolling your eyes on top of a pedestal. If I was working with seeds I wouldn't have asked the question. You've obviously eluded to the fact that it can be done in past posts, I was simply seeking clarification on where cut should occur for these circumstances. No worries though, I received helpful answers from other members.

A polite answer may have looked something like this: Well this method certainly provides more predictable results when used on a plant started from seed, but if you plan to try on a clone, I would recommend cutting just above the 2nd ______ (opposing or alternating) node. Or just a one word reply of "alternating" or "opposing" would have sufficed.

I guess in the end if you didn't want to answer a question, simply don't answer it. If you do, great. Nobody is obligated to answer another person's question, but when a person is showing gratitude for past information you've shared and acknowledging a helpful thread I would at least think if you do decide to answer, that it wouldn't be a quick supercilious, disdainful remark.

Regardless of this trivial group of posts I do still respect you for what you've given the MJ community and harbor no animosity.
2nd time - Look, if you MUST do this method and want to do it nice and easy with guaranteed results then start with seeds.


Well-Known Member
2nd time - Look, if you MUST do this method and want to do it nice and easy with guaranteed results then start with seeds.
2nd time - Excuse you what? Perhaps I misread the intent and tone of your response, but i don't feel that's the case. I first posted gratitude for being a great asset to this forum and mentor to many fellow growers, then asked a question and you answer it like you're rolling your eyes on top of a pedestal. If I was working with seeds I wouldn't have asked the question. You've obviously eluded to the fact that it can be done in past posts, I was simply seeking clarification on where cut should occur for these circumstances. No worries though, I received helpful answers from other members.

A polite answer may have looked something like this: Well this method certainly provides more predictable results when used on a plant started from seed, but if you plan to try on a clone, I would recommend cutting just above the 2nd ______ (opposing or alternating) node. Or just a one word reply of "alternating" or "opposing" would have sufficed.

I guess in the end if you didn't want to answer a question, simply don't answer it. If you do, great. Nobody is obligated to answer another person's question, but when a person is showing gratitude for past information you've shared and acknowledging a helpful thread I would at least think if you do decide to answer, that it wouldn't be a quick supercilious, disdainful remark.

Regardless of this trivial group of posts I do still respect you for what you've given the MJ community and harbor no animosity.

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
This is my 3rd grow, using UB's topping technique. Each time, I get just a little better at this awesome way to maximize yield and use of grow space. This plant is a Purple Cookie at week 5 of flowering. She is about 3-4 weeks from chop chop. She also has a cola that is Albino. I took one shot of that, and so far, the yellow leaves are keeping their color within the buds. Very EPIC looking! The plant is healthy and vigorous, drinking over 5 gallons of water per week.
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