The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i know mate im just messing, i had a sample n it was a lovely bit of gear especially for hydro, i just hate mg cause of the prices he gets lmfao
The prices up north couldn't be as bad as down here could it? Don't wanna be intrusive or anything.but how much are ur ounces going for mg?


Well-Known Member
Sorry about ya cat Ice ,I blubed like a baby when my dog went !, funny, not a tear when my old man died .
thanx man and yeh, lol u dont think ur bothered but wen vet told wife that we could come today to say bye, it just cracked me up,,, blubiing lol fucking i blame the kids! her cat and ive gottn attached. wondered why she had been so pesty recently (the cat)
BUT she could hve been poisoned dude over road told me a neighbour said hes sik of the cats making his dog bark so hes gunna let his dog at it or poisen em! dunno how much to read into that but if she has been poinsend il take a charge for any cunt hurtin my animals,


spliff time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I only really get emotional with losing pets bar the scene from the titanic...we trained our dog not to take food from anyone but me n the gf n not to pick anything off the ground for that very reason!!! Lots of pets eat rat poison thats thrown about carelessly n the death from rat poisons horrific, dogs have pretty horrific seizures n it's slow, over a few days.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I only really get emotional with losing pets bar the scene from the titanic...we trained our dog not to take food from anyone but me n the gf n not to pick anything off the ground for that very reason!!! Lots of pets eat rat poison thats thrown about carelessly n the death from rat poisons horrific, dogs have pretty horrific seizures n it's slow, over a few days.
i know mate il fucking kill teh cunt if it turns out she been poinsened furking out of order, u know warra meen?

just watched that 300 new one, NOT EVEN CLOSE to the 1st

and yeh i been getting emotional over allsorts since i got of the pregabs, lol

ANYONE WANT ANY PREGABS? fucking still get em of doc but dont take em,,,, got 56 300's and 42 200's :) fuking need the cash vets just rang 450 qwid FUK¬!


Well-Known Member
come one mg what was the final yield of that lazy man grow, spreading dirt weed across your town lmfao
Final yeild for the lazy man grow was just shy of 40 oz of pure dirt lol

ounces in bulk go at 250, could get 300 but this keeps me outta the picture and no one knows wer it's comin from, 300 singles but if I put it out in bags it's 3G for 50 quid, q for 80 and don't do halfs, I've sorta stopped the bags tho but at the start I was makin no less than 450 an o but brings too much attention, fuck that that shit only lasts so long lol


Well-Known Member
yeah man i got get 50 for 2.5 but like you say its better to stay out of the picture...down here its about 350-400 an oz but you could easily blag 500 an oz.


Well-Known Member
Baz I've people queuing up at them prices, I'd smoke it all before I'd take less than 250

relax when u consider urs is yo yos it's about the same


Well-Known Member
@Robbie , those BMF all sprouted, not so the Hazelope x stinkbomb . U did say they were quite old beans I think ?, can't do the pollen if male, but will send u a cut either way if u want. What are these BMF m8 ?, I 4get these things. You're prob not even gonna see this lol.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
ounces in bulk go at 250, could get 300 but this keeps me outta the picture and no one knows wer it's comin from, 300 singles but if I put it out in bags it's 3G for 50 quid, q for 80 and don't do halfs, I've sorta stopped the bags tho but at the start I was makin no less than 450 an o but brings too much attention, fuck that that shit only lasts so long lol

Where do you live MG?