Yellow supremacists!

quotas have always been illegal, you dummy.


And pictures of fetuses are "pornographic".

And ACA is popular with the masses.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

You sound literally too stupid to breath.

And pictures of fetuses are "pornographic".

And ACA is popular with the masses.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

You sound literally too stupid to breath.

quotas are illegal, gigantic pictures of aborted fetuses are pornographic, and obamacare has been over 50% despite your dumbass insistence to the contrary


why don't you want to be reminded of the fact that you knowingly joined a white supremacy group?

i thought the whole point with people like you was white PRIDE, not shame.
And ACA is popular with the masses.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

You sound literally too stupid to breath.

"This is the first election in America since the full impact of Obamacare has been felt," Rubio, R-Fla., said. "This is the first chance that people in America have to speak clearly at the ballot box about the impact this law is having on their lives and our economy."
Cuccinelli carried that idea one step further.
"Tomorrow in Virginia is a referendum on Obamacare," Cuccinelli said. "Let's send a message and say 'no' tomorrow to Obamacare."


This is one of the most corrupt douche bags in American politics. Democrats everywhere should be ashamed to be associated with him. Not you, Buck. You and he are on about the same plane in terms of ethics and honesty.

At least McCauliff is not boring and repetitive.
I want to see more people of color in Japanese cartoons...hell they hardly even put Asians in them...what the hell is thier facination with white people anyway (pardon me just trollin ....he he he)
First, didn't know that the citizens of California had eliminated raced based quotas for public schools. Hell, I'm actually SHOCKED. So for that, my respect.

Second, race based quotas are BULLSHIT. When an organization needs a "square" to meet their quota, they pass over the "circle" to fill it, regardless if the "square" is a piece of shit or not. That shit is rampant in federal circles...

Only liberals can justify using racism to counter "racism".

prop 209 prohibited using race as a metric for college admission, but race politics remains your Silver Key (tm) to "scholarships" and "outreach programs" which of course means race is still a huge factor but it can only operate behind a fig leaf.
prop 209 prohibited using race as a metric for college admission, but race politics remains your Silver Key (tm) to "scholarships" and "outreach programs" which of course means race is still a huge factor but it can only operate behind a fig leaf.

Unfortunately true. The progressives will never give up their racist dreams and they work tirelessly to implement those demented dreams. Progs are truly the modern equivalent of the Klan.
I want to see more people of color in Japanese cartoons...hell they hardly even put Asians in them...what the hell is thier facination with white people anyway (pardon me just trollin ....he he he)



Tatewaki & Kodachi Kuno ~Ranma 1/2

Rukia Kuchiki ~Bleach


Yuri Tanaka ~The Dirty Pair


Tochiro Oyama ~Captain Harlock

the list is endless
I want to see more people of color in Japanese cartoons...hell they hardly even put Asians in them...what the hell is thier facination with white people anyway (pardon me just trollin ....he he he)

to continue...

japanese animators and manga illustrators often include outlandish combinations of hair/skin/eye color because in reality, the japanese populace is monochromatic, and differentiating characters would become problematic without the color cues.

plus, outlandish colours help sell magazines and videos.

japan's progressives want it to be a place with many different phenotypes, while american "progressives" would prefer we become monochromatic, and undifferentiated.

the lefty wet dream is the end of all differences, with all races creeds cultures and ethnicities disappearing into an amorphous whole, cuz that would be "fair"



the lefty future is BORING

blondes? extinct
redheads? extinct
blue eyes: extinct
green eyes? extinct
white skin? extinct
black skin? extinct
yellow skin? extinct
red skin? extinct

in the end they want us all to be undifferentiated clones with the purity of an ant colony.

yep. lefties are Cocteau Crazy

Finally people in California have stood up to the radical racist
Klan like progressives destroying the states schools. Finally students will all
be more equal and blacks wont as easily get a free ride on college admissions.
Have the progressive racists found any loopholes to promote farther racism?
Unfortunately true. The progressives will never give up their racist dreams and they work tirelessly to implement those demented dreams. Progs are truly the modern equivalent of the Klan.

aren't you righties in favor of using religion to deny service to gays since you miss doing it to blacks so much?
the lefty wet dream is the end of all differences, with all races creeds cultures and ethnicities disappearing into an amorphous whole, cuz that would be "fair"

actually, the monoculturalism you describe is exactly what white separatists like you want.
aren't you righties in favor of using religion to deny service to gays since you miss doing it to blacks so much?

Why do you suppose Asian Democrats have suddenly decided that racist admission practices in California colleges is a bad idea? :-)

According to you and Pinhead, I am bitter because I oppose racism. How odd.
so white separatists don't want a monoculture?

are white separatists all about multiculturalism and diversity?

nice attempt at flipping it. not really though.

IF as you assert, i am arguing for "white separatism" (which i aint) this "separatism" doesnt destroy other societies, ethnicities or races, it simply preserves one.

your vision of "multiculturalism" erodes everything that makes different groups different, creating an undifferentiated amalgam, which is NOT "multiculturalism", it's ethnic imperialism.
your defense of white separatism and white separatists aside, if you tell me you're not for white separatism then it follows that you are for multiculturalism, like i am.
You know a lot of useless conjecture in this country is from such narrow perspectives. Is it me or are so many people so in a hurry to simplify everything into a black and white situation, no pun but it fits. The whole reason for the original AA is because minorities as a whole were not being provided the same basic level of education as many whites. When I say basic I mean elementary through 12th; the education the government provides by the way. This isn';t even a point to argue since institutional racism, once advocated by the government, is a known historical fact. What is not a fact or even a serious supposition is that all the institutional racism has magically changed over the last century which is where a lot of the opposers of AA come from.

At the time when this country's social structure was being laid certain people were purposely made to fail or shall we say, purposely not given the tools to succeed. I'm sure it wasn't the worst thing being denied a particular job or an education but they were denied the same nurturing cultural foundation as other Americans. That particular point is historically downplayed in favor of more tangible racial inequalities but, in truth, that cultural nurturing has had the strongest influence on the identity of the modern American citizen. Today we call it that "ridiculously delusional fantasy of American exceptionalism"...

Fast forward to the present and the kids that go to great colleges here aren't necessarily the smartest kids n the nation, they're either financially secure or just kids who were given the proper tools to do well in the, extra mediocre, American educational system, which has done everything possible to rig itself, so that certain American students feel smart and informed even if they're actually not. The educational system is at worst a formality towards a job and at best a "lame joke". I could learn more from a week and a book than a nine month college course.

Anyway, the problem with longstanding social inequality is that it is impossible to address directly because it becomes ingrained in the culture. Some people say "Just give them everybody the same "standardized" test. That's fair. " Yeah! that's fair! Just like treating a whole race of people like non-citizens and second class humans, then grudgingly freeing them and wondering why they don't assimilate smoothly as normal members of society or giving a inner city kid a golf club and leaving them stranded at Pebble Beach. That's fair right? It would be fair if everyone had access to the same standardized education and but that's not so.

In the end, you can't make people be fair and impartial and you can't go into every poor kid's house and undo years of negative social programming. So for people who actually understand the overlapping complexities of the problem the original AA law wasn't an answer, it was a first step in instating some type of social balance. Of course some people who benefitted from the flawed social order, and some who didn't, will feel slighted the same as people with 80% coverage through their employer are pissed at Obamacare. But do you honestly believe you deserve better medical coverage than someone else who works just as hard because you're lucky enough to have a job with benefits?? Nobody ever wants to admit cheating when it's in their favor I guess...