that is crazy shit. i am obsessed with sharks but scared to death of them. i have studied them since i was young. never used to worry bout them til i was in florida a few years back and people kept getting their legs bit off. also an older gent was swimming in a canal in his backyard and got eaten by a bullshark.
I missed this, I've been too busy kicking my own ass for killing a bunch of my plants.
Here's the thing, I, too, used to be almost deathly afraid of sharks. And I am still afraid to get into water (especially deep water) when I can't see what's around me, yet I scuba dive. And one reason why I scuba is to conquer my fear. It's why I ride my bike (and why I hurt myself riding other people's bikes this weekend, the kickstart Yami SR500 fucking KILLED me... but, I did get it started. ONCE
). It's why I MADE myself learn how to light firecrackers. In any event, I try to learn about what I fear, and I have tried to learn as much as I could about sharks. Most of them are great big pussies. But those bull and tiger sharks, watch the fuck out, man, watch the fuck OUT!
(of course, I wouldn't want to end up in the drink between, say, Catalina Island and San Pedro, those blues, as pretty as they are, are also known to taste us once in a while as well.)
I am the Seamaiden, Pisces, piscine, fishy fish-woman fish-thing.
(If you knew my first name you would TOTALLY get it, and say, "Damn... God does kinda have a sense of humor, doesn't he?)