Did we actually land on the moon?

you are wrong period, post your theory on a physics forum and they will most definitely laugh at you...its like I said earlier, dont you think the physicists that work for nasa wouldve figured this out and slowed it down to 1/6 speed instead of 1/2, or do you think they overlooked that?

I was wondering the same thing myself and thats why I didn't 100% buy into my postulated moon dynamics. Either way, I have a headache and I'll have to do the math another day to see who I believe to be right, or maybe I can make conclusions if I search the web enough.


you are an idiot, I just said that after one second the instaneous velocity is indeed 6x greater on earth, however, this does not mean that things fall 6x slower on the moon and I have proved that several times now....

I would believe that the rate of chance in velocity is acceleration. So I would believe that if something was 6X faster over a given period of time I would assume that it is traveling 6x as fast at that given moment. If something is traveling 6X faster, than its going to take 1/6th the time to go a set distance.

So my logic tells me that if something is traveling 6X's faster, than it will go 6X the distance over the same period of time..

But acceleration/gravity is a funny thing because its chance in velocity over time.

Gravity or Acceleration = Change in Velocity (or Delta V) / Time


you have to keep in mind that things dont fall at a constant rate...on earth an object falls 4.9m in 1 second, 19.6m in 2 seconds, 44.1m in 3 seconds and so on...
you have to keep in mind that things dont fall at a constant rate...on earth an object falls 4.9m in 1 second, 19.6m in 2 seconds, 44.1m in 3 seconds and so on...

Ya, but your confused. (smoke a joint to this):blsmoke:

The difference between our gravities(the Earth and the Moon) is a constant difference in their gravities. Thusly making there a proportional difference in different gravities. So we can conclude that the gravitational pull (gravity) is always going to be a fixed difference between the planets. And gravity is equal to acceleration so they are one in the same. So the only difference between the gravities is the difference in acceleration between the two planets. This resulting difference of acceleration will be a fixed amount of acceleration and able to calculate. (HAHA I feel like Einstein right now!):blsmoke:



say what? use some math to explain what you mean...or explain yourself better

"This resulting difference of acceleration will be a fixed amount of acceleration and able to calculate"

Im not quite sure what youre trying to say
say what? use some math to explain what you mean...or explain yourself better

"This resulting difference of acceleration will be a fixed amount of acceleration and able to calculate"

Im not quite sure what youre trying to say

You were suppose to burn :joint: one to my last post:blsmoke: (Go get some smoke, and read to it again to see if you can understand it better)

Anyways, say if Earth Gravity is equal to 1. Than the moons gravity would be equal to ~0.166 (because thats just proportionally so)..

Earth Gravity(EG) is equal to ~9.8m/s^2....

Or EG=~9.8m/s^2..

Than the Moons Gravity(MG) would be 0.166666(1/6)x EG = ~1.63 m/s^2...

Or MG= ~1.63m/s^2

(thats if I'm assuming things to be this way.. I feel like Einstein now, as I work through this process through my head... I love this shit.. I need to go back to college)

So the difference in gravities (or acceleration) is equal to EG(earth gravity) Minus MG(moon gravity)

Or EG-MG= difference in gravities

Thusly we come to our conclusion

EG 9.8m/s^2 - MG 1.63m/s^2 = 8.17m/s^2 which is the difference in acceleration (gravity) of the two planets.:mrgreen:


HAHA Don't take my word on that because I just smoked some herb. But I think I'm right! If my theory becomes correct than you guys have to give me some rep points for that:blsmoke: HAHA



Its the constant difference in acceleration!!!! Its equal to 8.17m/s^2

CONSTANT difference in acceleration
= 8.17m/s^2

Maybe you can't fathom what that means ATM.. Or maybe I'm just really high..:mrgreen:

Does that make sense to anyone except me?HAHA I love getting baked:blsmoke: HAHA


Ok, I understand that 9.8m/s^2 - 1.6m/s^, but whats your point....so the difference is 8.17m/s^2...are you saying this somehow proves thing fall 6x slower?
Ok, I understand that 9.8m/s^2 - 1.6m/s^, but whats your point....so the difference is 8.17m/s^2...are you saying this somehow proves thing fall 6x slower?

OHHH MY FUCKING GOD!! I think it does!!:eyesmoke:

EG 9.8m/ss - Difference in acceleration or 8.17m/ss = 1.63m/ss.. So 9.8-8.17=1.63m/ss

Than you take your EG (Earth Gravity) and divide it by the last answer of 1.63m/ss and you get 6.011 or ~6.0

9.8/1.63= ~6.0

I can't believe I'm just that fucking good! Whooohooo.. HAHAHA And I'm stoned on top of it!!!:eyesmoke: I love smoking MY pot, its the best stuff on Earth :D


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Yes you are obviously stoned cause you arent making a whole lot of sense...yes 9.8 - 1.6 is 8.2.....yes 9.8/1.63 is 6....this does not prove anything though....yes the acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1/6 that of earths, this is a given....this does not, however, prove that things fall 6 times slower
Yes you are obviously stoned cause you arent making a whole lot of sense...yes 9.8 - 1.6 is 8.2.....yes 9.8/1.63 is 6....this does not prove anything though....yes the acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1/6 that of earths, this is a given....this does not, however, prove that things fall 6 times slower

Ok....... Whatever bro.. :blsmoke: HAHA



Dude.... Do I really have to hold your hand all the way through?? I thought you were going to school for engineering? No offense, but I want you to get it on your own since you have been giving PosNet attitude. (I'm saying that to you because your my buddy HG:blsmoke:.... Here...:joint:.. its on me bro..)

This is what you should do. Get some weed, and get real high. Let the weed bring you to the other level to understand this. Thats how I figured it out. I just got stoned and answers come to me..

Why is Herb illegal again? I love smoking pot:mrgreen: My shit brings me to another level.

(I know why it works.. I'll wait for your answer grasshopper.) *Does a little Chinese bow with hands pressing*

YouTube - grow more pot. pt1

YouTube - grow more pot. pt2


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I think you need to do some more reading on gravity, because I dont think you understand very well....can you dispute my math on any of these equations? I dont think so
ok, here.... I can prove objects do not fall 6x slower on the moon

the time it takes for an object to fall distance d is t=sqrt(2d/g)

ok, so now let plug in a random distance, lets say 2m, and see the time it takes to fall on earth and on the moon and compare the times

so on earth the time it would take an object to fall 2m would be sqrt(4/9.8 ) which comes out to about .64 seconds
the time it would take an object to fall the same distance on the moon would be sqrt(4/1.62) which comes out to be about 1.57 seconds

ok, now divide the 2 times and tell me what you come up with

I dont see why I should have to go any further than the simple substitution property
therefore gt=sqrt(2dg)

but ok, lets plug in some numbers and see what we get, we already know that an object on earth falls 2m in .64s, and 1.6s on the moons so lets use those numbers

so for the earth

v=sqrt(4*9.8 )

for the moon


see, they are exactly the same, and what do you get when you divide 6.3 by 2.5....whaddya know, 2.5

ok, we've established that the acceleration due to gravity is 6 times greater on earth...yes after one second the instantaneous velocity is 6 times greater thatn the velocity after one second on the moon...as I have stated a hundred and fifty times now that does not mean that things fall 6x slower, it means that you have to drop an object on the moon 6x higher than you would on earth for it to equal the same drop time...you would have to drop an object about 4.8m for it to take 1 sec to hit the ground, you would have to drop an an object .8m on the moon for it to take 1 sec to hit the ground....so lets see how long it would take an object on the moon to fall 4.8m

once again........
its here!!!!

thanks all for your excellent contributions,
especially hom36rown, i wouldn't have been pushed to do this
without your splendid input

Do things on the moon move at 1/6th or half that of earth?


what a fantastic debate

what an epiphany of a conclusion

what a great website
Why don't you make it easier to use. I like to stream things instead of downloading them. Why don't you make it so you only have one thing to click on and download. Just some constructive criticism.

I'm glad your enjoying this thread PosNet:mrgreen: I want to play your moon game, make it ergonomically easier..:mrgreen: I'd rather stream the game, but if I have to DL something than I only want to DL one thing and not three..:mrgreen:



its here!!!!

thanks all for your excellent contributions,
especially hom36rown, i wouldn't have been pushed to do this
without your splendid input

Do things on the moon move at 1/6th or half that of earth?


what a fantastic debate

what an epiphany of a conclusion

what a great website
Yes, at the exact same initial velocity a jump on the earth will take about 6x longer on the moon, however once again this does not mean that footage taken on the moon will look identical when played at 6x speed....once the astronaut reaches the top of his jump he still falls at the same rate as if he were the stationary ball being dropped....ok this may seem a little confusing so I will explain it using math

ok lets use an initial velocity 10m/s

the formula for the time it takes for an object with an an initial velocity to reach its peak(the point where its velocity becomes 0m/s) is given by:
t=v(i)/g .....and to get the total time from beginning to end we just double this

alright so lets calculate the time of a jump with an intital velocity of 10m/s on earth

t=(10m/s)/(9.8m/s)~1*2 so altogether from beginning to end it would take about 2 seconds to finish a jump with an initial velocity of 10m/s

ok so now on the moon

t=(10m/s)/(1.6m/s)~6.3*2 ~ 12.6

so yes your game is right, a jump with equal amount of force takes about 6x longer on the moon....however, like I said this does not mean that footage of the moon at 6x speed mimics gravity on the earth ....here I'll explain further...

lets start by figuring out exactly how high a jump with 10m/s of force will get you on the moon, we can figure this out by the formula: v(f)=v(i)^2+2a*d

0m/s=(10m/s^2)^2 + 3.2m/s^s*d



ok so we have figured out that if you jump 31.25m on the moon, it will take a total of about 12.6 seconds from beginning to end.....so then by your logic(footage at 6x speed should mimic earths gravity) a 31.25 m jump on eath will take 2.1 seconds ( 12.6/6=2.1)

alright so now lets figure out how long it would take from beginning to end for for a 31.25 m jump on earth and see if does indeed take 2.1 seconds (somehow I doubt it)

so we know t=sqrt(2d/g) so...
t=sqrt(62.5/9.8 )
t=sqrt(6.4)~2.5*2= 5 seconds

so It takes a total of 5 seconds for a 31.25m jump on earth, so you are WRONG....ok now lets go back and divide the two times and see what the correct ratio is

12.6/5= whatddya fucking know its fuckin 2.5 again, like Ive been saying this whole fucking time....YOUR GRAVITY THEORY IS WRONG
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