rogue plant


Well-Known Member
So I have this plant growing in front of my house, probably one of those bag seeds that went over the rail. I have no clue how long it's been there but it is about 1'3" tall so far. My question is when should i start to induce flowering because I don't want to wait until September. Any advice is welcomed!!! Will be trying to add pictures shortly


Well-Known Member
I mean couldn't i cover it with like a garbage can to keep out the light? To then induce the flowering and because it's only like the first week in july would it be better to do it now?


Well-Known Member
it's not exactly my front yard persay. there is a flower bed but the plant just grew on it's own that's why i'm not messing around with it....i just want it to do what it needs to do.


Well-Known Member
i mean..yeah i guess you could do that..but first off having a big garbage bag over your plant in your front yard isnt to smart..second its airflow will be cut off..if i were you i would transplant it into a pot then do a 12/12 cylce


Well-Known Member
I mean placing a garbage CAN overtop of the plant and removing it in the am. That should keep out all the light shouldn't it? Suggestions are welcome


Well-Known Member
I have some pictures but my computer is being a gimp and won't let me access them soon as i figure it out i'll post the pictures to see what's up


Well-Known Member
Im doing force flowering myself for the first time...
take the plant inside at 5:47pm back outside when its dark, cuts the light 12/12.. then later im letting on its own at the end of july when the light is 14/10 so then i can increase my yeild!




Well-Known Member
yeah but if you do wanna do a force flower do what this guys doing put it in a pot..then do a 12/12 cylce and bring it inside


Well-Known Member
I don't want to dig it outta the ground that it's in right now apparently it's getting more then enough nutes otherwise it wouldn't grow at all....i'll be adding a few pictures shortly


Well-Known Member
Okay here are two pictures. One is a side view and the other is the top of the plant like a birdseye perspective. I'm pretty sure there is no way of telling how old this is again remember it started growing on it's own. I'm just curious based on the pictures if I started the dark period if it would be beneficial?



Well-Known Member
ya you got the right idea,a trash can or i would try to get a cardbord box...donot dig it up,,at least i have never had any luck digging and trans2 weeks should do ...the daylight really drops in august..


Well-Known Member
Based on the pictures I have posted there should I let the plant grow more before I start forcing the flowering? Also when is a good time to start flowering outdoors? I really don't want to wait. LMAO!!