New way to make money: Chupacabra fights


Well-Known Member
As I continue to struggle to find a job, I am always trying to come up with ways to make money and this weekend, when I saw that some woman in Texas caught a Chupacabra, it hit me. I'm going to go to Texas and catch some of these things to have Chupacabra fights, like cockfighting or dog fighting, only it will be legal because technically Chupacabras don't exist. We can have the matches at arenas like dog tracks with crazy betting going on. Anyone else want in on this while it's still on the ground floor? I think I can build this up like the UFC. We can eventually end up on PPV and make real "scratch".
Clayton I think you may have found a new 'line'. How about expanding to Sasquatch Mud Wrestling? You know get with inda and borrow a few of his moto hoes and you could have a real niche thing here.
Good plan. I couldn't condone dog fighting, but pitching cryptozooalogical manifestations against each other gets my vote.

I once made up a poster inviting people to sign up for a Christmas time 'Cock-Robbin Fight' in the town hall. That really is as far as i'd take it though. The little bastards do really go at each other, so I figure they must enjoy a scrap...
Clayton I already told you that if you buy me liquor and grow weed for me and drive me places then ill hire you lol your salary will be like 45,000 and thats pretty good or you can be the CEO of CFC ( cubacabra fighting league
I've often wondered what a blowie from el chupacabra would feel like. I bet I would fill that dirty dog-beast up real quick. Prolly da best Troat jab on da planet ya see.
Clayton I already told you that if you buy me liquor and grow weed for me and drive me places then ill hire you lol your salary will be like 45,000 and thats pretty good or you can be the CEO of CFC ( cubacabra fighting league

That sounds like it could be an alright gig. A few things you should know. I sing to the radio, whether I know the words or not, and I do it loudly. I also honk alot if I think someone near me is an illegal. You have to sit in the front seat, so I don't feel like a chauffuer, but know that if that damn Tiffany song comes on, I WILL rub myself a little (long story). Oh, and if I say you cannot look in the trunk, you CANNOT look in the trunk. Sound doable?
Are there to be round card girls
I don;t know how we break up the action to have a second round. I think we open the cages and it's 2 cabras enter, 1 cabra leaves.

But if there ARE going to be in between fight hotties, they have to be dressed like this


That sounds like it could be an alright gig. A few things you should know. I sing to the radio, whether I know the words or not, and I do it loudly. I also honk alot if I think someone near me is an illegal. You have to sit in the front seat, so I don't feel like a chauffuer, but know that if that damn Tiffany song comes on, I WILL rub myself a little (long story). Oh, and if I say you cannot look in the trunk, you CANNOT look in the trunk. Sound doable?

Yeah that sounds good lol