Schuylaar's Easter Weekend Sesh - Wal-Mart Workers Costs Taxpayers $2B

Stand down soldier..our defense budget keeps going up while pell grants, SNAP keep getting cut..soldiers have their benefits including retirement at a much earlier age than I will ever see..35 or maybe 40...Also low cost VA loans and college..I on the other hand have paid into my social security since age 14..and have maxed out benefits according to the statements I receive..I've paid it forward and now will have to wait until I'm somewhere into my 70's before I can benefit (if I see ANY) and will still need something on the side to survive..I'm single and don't believe in relationship just to pay basic bills..and don't tell me ANYTHING about the military because we are a marine family and proud to defend our country..know what my uncle got in Vietnam? A raging heroin addiction which ultimately took his life..thank god he had family who loved him so he didn't end up homeless, under a bridge.


How does one "retire" from being unemployed? You're "retired" now. You are more than sucking up your share of government largess, but want to complain about Wal-Mart?
Walmart are great. They give the people what they want. Then you all bitch. It's democracy at its finest. For once it works. You liberal loons need to make up your mind. What you're telling me is you don't like democracy and want fascism?

wal-mart was supposed to BRING employment to one ever considered they would become the monsters they are by putting the small businessman out of business, exploiting workers in such a way that they are nothing more than modern day slaves..employ the poor..keep them poor..they must continue to purchase from you..

long live small business saturdays!!
We don't need the government to get rid of walmart. The people should do it.

I have not been to a walmart in years, except when I got strung out and stole some things. But I have not given walmart one cent of my money since 2007.

If a sizable number of people stopped going there (except for shoplifting when they need a fix) then walmart would no longer be a problem.
Wal-Mart, your friendly, local shop-lifting destination!
Wal-Mart, your friendly, local shop-lifting destination!

yeah my klepto aunt in daytona who needs absolutely nothing just got popped at a wal-mart..last time she went to jail for 60-days..this time they are sending her to florida's new "felony school"..for $500 you spend the day doing jail time.

the state of florida is in collusion with wal-mart, publix these days..they make more money this way.
You're proud to defend your country, but blame your country for what he did to himself. And the medical community thought I was bipolar.

My stance is you don't choose where you're born, so being proud of something for chance, is stupid.

Instead be proud of your accomplishments. Free Obamacare, so you can pay your Nordstrom card bill.

i told you long ago i do not have a nordstrom credit card..i'm trying to get my credit down under 500.
That was a lot of effort to not address my point.

How many soldiers and their families are on economic assistance? If you have such a problem with Walmart due to their employees yet have no problem overlooking the miserable pay and benefits the government doles out to some of our most important contributors to society then you are the one with the issue, not me.

fail. translation: defense budget is so huge that if they can't properly house/feed/support their troops..who do you think is to blame with a 2013 defense budget of $716B?

certainly not John Q. Citizen.
i'm a full-time medical student, jackass.
So, still unemployed. What was that about name-calling?
for some reason i'm gonna say rollitup is cool with "jackass" when applicable..feel free to ask him.
Medical school is more than a full-time job, Red1966.

You've probably never been, and don't understand, so stfu please.

If you expect medical students to be employed full-time then you are completely delusional.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app
Medical school is more than a full-time job, Red1966.

You've probably never been, and don't understand, so stfu please.

If you expect medical students to be employed full-time then you are completely delusional.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app
If you think a woman who threw away her children deserves a free education and welfare, you are delusional
If you think a woman who threw away her children deserves a free education and welfare, you are delusional

you don't know me or my life..certainly not my childrens status.

i deserve what every corporation gets..leveraging of loopholes..and if i told you what i've'd shit a golden brick and runaround it.

i'd hands down be the smartest girl you know..

i've already said all you not read the entire post?..if so, you both have terrible comprehension issues..i would have that checked out.
No I didn't. I just replied to your post that was wrongly stated. And the your post that you quoted had nothing to do with the post I replied to.
Medical school is more than a full-time job, Red1966.

You've probably never been, and don't understand, so stfu please.

If you expect medical students to be employed full-time then you are completely delusional.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app
This woman is not in med school. Don't be fooled. Besides, med school is pretty easy. Know lots of people who have gone. The hard work starts in residency.

But, at her age, she might be on a pre med track. Her own words described her working until fairly recently. So if she graduated college back in the day, her science pre requests would be too old for med school.

I'm guessing, but the med school claim and to many other known details don't add up.
i told you long ago i do not have a nordstrom credit card..i'm trying to get my credit down under 500.

You're a liar. In my Nordstroms troll thread about $200 pants, you commented about being so well off you had a high limit Nordstroms card.

only if they guy at the piano is playing and he's got the tip jar out there:wink:

nordies is schuylaars fave i even have a special nordie card..
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She can't keep track of her own lies.
And please do tell how florida is in collusion with publix.
Please enlighten us with your vast intelligence.
You're a liar. In my Nordstroms troll thread about $200 pants, you commented about being so well off you had a high limit Nordstroms card.

how does a "special nordie's card" equate to the above highlighted?

once again, pubsters have proven they have comprehension issues.

didn't you say you write for a living, bunny?
