4/20 And Easter on the same Day


Well-Known Member
Kinda weird that it's going to be on the same day this year, right?
Are you celebrating Easter or 4/20? And what are you doing?


Well-Known Member
I think I'm gonna check out reggae fest down here.. after church of course

I like 2 for 1 holidays


Well-Known Member
Dyed eggs today, probably sitting around getting stoned tomorrow and eating prime rib and ham :)

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Well-Known Member
I actually thought 420 was yesterday. I was so busy running around like a refugee i didnt have time to start getting stoned til 3 am. I wake up and its 420 again woohoo I kinda wish i was in the US today to see what its like 420 over there cause here its nothing...:(


Well-Known Member
Egg hunt for the boys this morning, missus painting the horsebox blue for the festie season. me? Dunno. Probably mow the lawn since the sun's right out. I mean, all the way out. i'd like to drink, but I sort of mentioned having a holiday from that. We'll see...


Well-Known Member
Happy first Sunday....
After the First Full Moon....
After the first day of spring....

Christians High Holy Day = to be governed by the moon, harvest, and spring...
Go figure... which pagan god do we give thanks to?