You're right. I just threw in the Democratic strongholds as a poke in the eye of the locals progs. The loving Democrats certainly seem to be milking the suffering for all it's worth though.
It is a constantly repeated myth that America is some sort of battle zone engaged in a perpetual fire fight and all because of "America's insane love affair with guns". That it total hokum. The simple fact is the US is mostly safer than the EU, in every way, with a few war zones in the inner cities responsible for almost all of the violent crime; they all happen to be Democratic strongholds as well.
America is not very popular now days, so it quite chic to highlight every ill. Our real problem is the over regulation, and over legislation, and too much power for politicians which inevitably winds up for sale to the highest bidder.
We agree on a great deal desert dude. I understand the dig; i find some democrats (but more republicans) offensive.
I agree about the specificity of gun crime. I've traveled extensively in the U.S. and have seen it first hand. Gun control will not work as there are already so many it would be impossible and impractical: besides, they'd just be smuggled in or made by home-hobbyists. I do know I've never carried a gun up here but did in Arizona (open carry-in full compliance with the law; i follow a simple rule-never fuck with the U.S. GOVT!!) I do believe that sane gun owners are not a problem and that a citizen-militia is a very good reality check for all the bums in washington/state legislatures. Absolutely, the feds and there multitude of agencies have way too much power. I do believe that the abuse of power is firmly entrenched amongst LEO and is a travesty. Having said that i have met some of the nicest law enforcement officers i have ever met in the U.S.; all put my former hometown police (toronto-fascist scum but not all-say 90%) to shame.
True story: pulled over in Pima county outside tucson. Having watched too many episodes of 'Cops' on tv, i turned off the engine and dropped the keys on the ground. Cop came up to the car, looked at the ground, looked at me funny and said:'Why'd ya do that?". I replied: "so you would know i'm not a flight risk." He bent over, picked them up, handed them back to me and said:'your left turn signal bulb is out. Get it replaced." Wow. Hella nice guy and had a sense of humour and decency to boot. Never even cited me let alone asked for a licence or insurance.
I'm full of stories. Some true most not. LOL. Please indulge me on occasion dd. I'm old and my mind wanders.