Supremes rule racist policies to fight racism is unconstitutional...go figure

So why not help me? Don't you want the world to be a better place. You whine all day about equality for all, as you beat down people at every chance. Kinda like a bully, only not as good at it.

want to make the world a better place? ditch your love of racism and crawl back into whatever hole you came from.

you're welcome!

Hello, minion.


I'm just so...
I could learn to like you if you weren't such a whiny cunt.

I only do it to fuck with Uncle Buck. I come here more to lurk and gain insight on different topics. I don't offer much in the way of opinions because I tend to remain unbiased. I'm kind of a loner, for the most part. I do feel people these days whine about shit that really doesn't mean anything. Little Black kids get innocently murdered every day. As well as Asian kids, White kids, Gay kids and every other group one can label. There are people in this world that hold hatred against others, for whatever reason. That hatred will live inside them regardless of what happens. People envision some type of utopia on earth that is simple not feasible. It's a dream that will never come true. They can write all the laws they want. Demanding equal rights for all, but there will always be people standing on the sidelines waving their own flag. I know this, and I understand this. It's the reality of the world we live in. Call me stupid, but at least i have page 1 of life memorized.