Supremes rule racist policies to fight racism is unconstitutional...go figure

That the lower scoring group is less able.

If these are intelligence or aptitude tests, then it means that race has, on average, a lower intelligence and aptitude.

And yes, every test of intelligence and cognitive aptitude I am aware of puts one race significantly lower.

an honest man. And a brave one. If another culture devised those IQ test, might the culture who devised them consistently score higher than other cultures?
an honest man. And a brave one. If another culture devised those IQ test, might the culture who devised them consistently score higher than other cultures?
Interesting though. .. it's true, the white, western European culture did devise the test.

Take a look sometime how Asians and middle eastern peoples perform on the test.

There is a group of Jews that regularly average about one standard deviation above the white mean.

The Japanese type Asians score about half a white standard deviation higher.

so other cultures do score higher than the culture that created the test.

Does this tell you anything?

All one needs to take these tests is a command of the language the test is given in.

The rest is can the testee put the round peg in the round hole.
Our white kids are being culturally raped by rap music and black culture.

If you mean the single mother culture that started to become popular in the late 60's and early 70's, I'd agree, though I don't believe ethnicity has anything to do with it.

Single moms suck at raising teen boys. Period.

It's hard to be an authority figure to a kid when they tower over you, and you look to them for your physical security.
Racism motivated by good intentions is just as odious as any other variation thereof.

The road to hell is ofttimes paved with well meaning intentions.
it doesn't though.

affirmative action sets a goal of working towards equality.

is this "say everything backwards day" for you, AKA every single day of your entire, bitter life?


The US still has that goal, only now Univ of Mich is not allowed to put their thumb on the scale to achieve their quotagoal.

The US still has that goal, only now Univ of Mich is not allowed to put their thumb on the scale to achieve their quotagoal.
The problem with AA is that it forces people who aren't racist to hire people that might not be as qualified as someone else in another race.

A good thing about AA is that it forces people who are racist to actually give a person from a different race a chance.

IMO, still not a good idea.
The US still has that goal, only now Univ of Mich is not allowed to put their thumb on the scale to achieve their quotagoal.

again, quotas are illegal.

when someone repeats false information like that over and over and over again, even after the facts have been presented to them, it can only mean one of two things: either that person is uninformed, ignorant and stupid, or that person is a malicious liar.

in your case, especially considering your racist rhetoric around here and your membership in white supremacy groups, one would have to conclude that it's both ignorance and malicious lying.

we all ask that you cease your ignorant, malicious lying and propaganda.

thanks in advance!
again, quotas are illegal.

when someone repeats false information like that over and over and over again, even after the facts have been presented to them, it can only mean one of two things: either that person is uninformed, ignorant and stupid, or that person is a malicious liar.

in your case, especially considering your racist rhetoric around here and your membership in white supremacy groups, one would have to conclude that it's both ignorance and malicious lying.

we all ask that you cease your ignorant, malicious lying and propaganda.

thanks in advance!

Me, the people of California, the people of Michigan, and the Supreme all agree that you are useless propagandist and we fart in your general direction. Maybe the wise latina will make you a taco to soothe your swollen labia?
Me, the people of California, the people of Michigan, and the Supreme all agree that you are useless propagandist and we fart in your general direction. Maybe the wise latina will make you a taco to soothe your swollen labia?

just keep on telling those lies, liar.

ya know, if you actually had a case, you wouldn't have to lie about things like you do.
In other news, Rand Paul would beat Hillary in Colorado according to the latest Quinipiac poll.

i'm sure that means an awful lot two+ years ahead of the election, before all the dirt on rend "plagiarizer who works with white supremacists, hires white supremacists, and opposes civil rights" pawl gets spilled.

glad to see you have decided who you are gonna spam for next, and surprisiingly it's the guy who endorsed romney over his own daddy last time around.

unsurprisingly, you have gotten behind the biggest racist you could find.

such is life.