depersonalization and derealization


Well-Known Member
Idk were to post this but I don't care if it gets moved

But I fell like iam in a dream state and iam just in a made up world that I'm no longer apart of

I smoke weed to get buzzed and when I only take a hit or two I feel better but I just can't take it anymore I despise pills that a psychologist whould give me but I feel like I whould need it almost and It's almost like being on a bad trip I get fits of fear were I just can't control my mind and it's like I'm gonna die at any minute

I felt like this a little while ago when I was like 14 and 15 and I went on pills and it kinda made it worse then I stopped taking them and smoked weed and it got better but now it's terrible and iam not sure how to cope with this

I'm starting to go by what sunni said for a diet and I been doing that for a couple days but I just dont know man I'm getting this feeling now again while iam typing this

Any thoughts on how to cope

And no smart asses please iam not really in the mood right now and I will report cuz I can't deal with it

Sorry if I'm being a crying little bitch but I just need some type of way to cope when I start to freak out at least


bud bootlegger
i know you said you don't like pills, but sometimes in life we have to do what's best for you..
imo, i'd go and talk to a dr and see what they had to say, maybe they can help you out.. no sense going on suffering every day imo..


Well-Known Member
The thing about head pills, is that your body and brain have grown accustomed to certain levels of chemicals, and pills disrupt this order and installs a more "normal" order, which takes a lot of time for the body to get used to. Proper psychotherapy should be mandatory with mental health medicine.


Well-Known Member
Dude, you sound like you're looking for that little bit of help that medication may give.

I've taken ssri's before and they helped me step back a little and deal with shit in a rational way.

Honestly, if you need to talk vent away here. We're all a bit broken.


Well-Known Member
See the docs as what they are body mechanics ...Ugh!! not happy with your doctor ...get another, but you have to be truthful with him.

Sounds like you may be a little anxious about stuff, still you have one of the best tools out there ...Your computer, and mrgoogle to research your condition, and surprise surprise sunni is correct diet or the stuff you eat can have a big effect on your mind and body

Just look for the signs of the anx.(anxiety) attack and take correcting action!


Well-Known Member
Sorry if I'm being a crying little bitch but I just need some type of way to cope when I start to freak out at least
You're definitely not doing that guy. Good call telling us what is going on, asking for help/feedback and requesting no bs. Respect dude. You nailed it.
Question: know any adults outside of your day to day? Examples: teacher, minister, friends uncle who's super cool at a bbq and you know and trust.
Where I'm going with this is that you could benefit from the doctor. Absolutely. you also, by the way, have every right to read, ask questions, and learn with your dr so that your an active part of your health care and move forward> Empowered bro. That's were I'd like to see you moving Towards as a goal.
I had a cool hockey coach (totally cool Scotsman who 'got' that I was a good-hearted, but slightly dangerous, maniac. I was 16 and took on all comers: 3 man fights, beat up a referee, took out another one with a slap shot and had to stare down grown men with 80 lbs on me to get out of the arena after games.
Thanks to him and other guys I made it. Survived. Do what you need to do an I'm sure people here are going to help. I will. PM me when you need or feel like it. I'm not applying to be your Dad. But i will try my best.

This is totally doable bro.


Well-Known Member
To feel the real effects of a diet change you need to wait a couple of weeks if not a couple of motnhs to be honest. Start juicing too to get all kinds of crazy good antioxidants for your brain and your immune system in general, i was counting the other day and thanks to a juicer i manage to consume over 10 different fruits and vegetables everyday i wouldnt eat once a month before. I went vegetarianish a few month back and i can confidently say i really do feel the difference. The only animal product i eat are my own feral chickens eggs. Pretty sure i lost weight too. I suffer from some fucked up kind of insmonia and to be honest the little i sleep is very restfull, maybe not digesting meat helps the old chakra rest. I used to get propper stressed if i couldnt sleep and now that doesnt really happen anymore.
In my opinion if you have the mental stability and strength to avoid taking prescription medication do it man. Ge a routine and stick to it, helps stabilise your system. i think adjusting and unadjusting periods can be terrible and make you feel weird as fuck like you said. But if you deide to do it, do it propperly and comment to your doctor you use cannabis too and how it should be (or not) intertwined.
best of luck


Well-Known Member
Ty, honey, listen to these guys. Your brain is trying to tell you to lay off the weed and any other recreational drugs. It's being over stimulated. See a psychotherapist, one who can dispense meds and get on an SSRI. In a nutshell, SSRI's affect naturally occurring chemical messengers (neurotransmitters), which are used to communicate between brain cells. SSRIs block the reabsorption (reuptake) of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. Changing the balance of serotonin seems to help brain cells send and receive chemical messages, which in turn boosts mood.

Your poor brain is on overdrive i suspect. And yes, eat clean and flush your body out with lots of water. Get proper rest, all the things your gramma says. Sage advice. It won't just happen to you though, you must be proactive. Vent here if you need to. I'm sure lots of us can relate.


Well-Known Member
Are your priorities centered around weed? Your life wouldn't feel like a complete dream state if you regularly participated in working towards personal goals. This is something I struggle with, it takes discipline to smoke hella weed and live a productive life (one that you can feel good about when you think about it).

Not calling you a bum or anything like that, I have no idea what your life is like and I don't judge. Just a guess. Best of luck mate, I'm always here if ya need advice.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Summer is coming and you need to lay off everything unless you have a true need for all the meds.
"You are young and life is long, and there is time to kill today"

Get out of the house.
Get back in touch with nature.
Go walking, camping, fishing or stare at the trees.
Get your mind of the daily routine.

A little goes a long way.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Kind of surprising to see so many people pimping anti-depressants here. For some reason I always thought of most of us heads as being against pharmaceutical solutions. Not that I would say I am against them. They do help people, often quite effectively. Not so much for some others. The side effects can be quite annoying as well, and last for years afterwards. Getting on pills is not a decision to make lightly and without much thought. There is the alternative of therapy, cognitive behavioral or otherwise, which I think, for some, can be more effective and look to solve the problem rather than mask it. Either way, both options can be a large investment of time and money.

Or there's that one drug, forgot it's name. You travel to the jungles of south america and take it with a shaman, and during the course of your day-long trip your inner demons appear in the form of hallucinations, and scare the mental illness right out of you, or you do battle with them, or some shit.


Well-Known Member
Kind of surprising to see so many people pimping anti-depressants here. For some reason I always thought of most of us heads as being against pharmaceutical solutions. Not that I would say I am against them. They do help people, often quite effectively. Not so much for some others. The side effects can be quite annoying as well, and last for years afterwards. Getting on pills is not a decision to make lightly and without much thought. There is the alternative of therapy, cognitive behavioral or otherwise, which I think, for some, can be more effective and look to solve the problem rather than mask it. Either way, both options can be a large investment of time and money.

Or there's that one drug, forgot it's name. You travel to the jungles of south america and take it with a shaman, and during the course of your day-long trip your inner demons appear in the form of hallucinations, and scare the mental illness right out of you, or you do battle with them, or some shit.

Ayahuasca. (i-ah-wass-cuh)

I have always been leaning toward natural as possible remedies. But years ago, when all those failed, SSRI's were the ONLY thing that quieted my noisy brain. After that, I was on them for a year or two and (this is key): underwent behavioral therapy in conjunction w/ the meds. They wouldn't have worked on me on their own. Haven't taken them in almost 20 years.