Mold and deer. My two biggest enemies


Well-Known Member
i know ether is used as repellant
and also you can buy stuff called deer repellant
although i'm not sure how exactly it works, or how it may effect any plants near it.

as far as mold goes, make sure the plant gets a few hours of direct morning sunlight
this morning sun will evaporate the dew right when mold would be growing (early morning as air warms up and plant is still wet)
also to avoid mold, some people shake plants after rainstorms, or even put easy ups above them and stake em down. all's you have to do is take down the canopy after the rainstorm (this is a precaution taken late into mold season, october in the new england area)


Active Member
Yeah there are a lot of hunters that come on the property so I don't want anything that will make noise and brings them in. I'm pretty far into a rose thicket and sometimes I get lost getting out so I don't worry so much about people stumbling upon it. The great part about the plot I'm at is the ground is so premo. I'm gonna try the pepper spray with neem, some spider wire weaved around and some liquid fence. If all of these fail I'll just sleep with my plants and shoot the fuckers of they come looking for dinner. Joke wil be on them because they'll end up being my dinner.


Active Member
Oh real quick. For neem oil, I've never had to use it my partner did with the stuff at his place but only for a little for a slight mite problem we had( he took clones from a buddy -__- ) but luckily for us they were very easy to rid with the neem. We also pumped the ac and dropped the temps to around 45 everyday for about two weeks. The plants were stunted a little but yields were avg. we were lucky. But I digress, I think I read neem helps with p.m as well as insects. Is this stuff like gold for outdoor?


Well-Known Member
im friend with the owner of liquid fence... i wouldn't use it on my plants because other animals like it. raccoon love it.. cats like it... oppusma like it. they roll on your plants dig them up. it smells like garbage... it does work for herbivores.


Well-Known Member
im friend with the owner of liquid fence... i wouldn't use it on my plants because other animals like it. raccoon love it.. cats like it... oppusma like it. they roll on your plants dig them up. it smells like garbage... it does work for herbivores.
I've never had luck with the liquid fence where I live. The deer and rabbits don't seem to mind it.


New Member
You should Never bring your dog Period. Why? Because if your dog's hair gets onto the plant
and the feds find it and matches your Dog you're fucked..


Active Member
You should Never bring your dog Period. Why? Because if your dog's hair gets onto the plant
and the feds find it and matches your Dog you're fucked..
If the Feds find the plants I doubt they'll do any extremely expensive testing to match a hair the found on a plant to try and match it to a dog. They may scope it out and wait for me to come back but I'll know if anyone went in other than myself. It's all about knowing your location.


Well-Known Member
Man ive grown guerrilla style for almost 20 yrs now and always did the fence thing, but a few yrs ago I started using Liquid Fence around my plants and I don't even use wire anymore and don't have a problem. There are tons of deer here where im at also there's a couple different products that claim the same results but they don't work only one that's been effective for me is the Liquid Fence brand. They sell it Wal Mart for 25 dollars a gallon and it'll go a long ways. But I don't even worry about deer rabbits and shit anymore


Active Member
Man ive grown guerrilla style for almost 20 yrs now and always did the fence thing, but a few yrs ago I started using Liquid Fence around my plants and I don't even use wire anymore and don't have a problem. There are tons of deer here where im at also there's a couple different products that claim the same results but they don't work only one that's been effective for me is the Liquid Fence brand. They sell it Wal Mart for 25 dollars a gallon and it'll go a long ways. But I don't even worry about deer rabbits and shit anymore
I have fences up that are about 6 " - 1' tall but that's strictly for the bunnies and any other tiny critter. I'm gonna try a giant combination of pretty much everything guys bought up.

Thank you all for your advice.

Anyone on this thread from the north east?


Well-Known Member
good 4 other gardens (veggie) as well.
Man ive grown guerrilla style for almost 20 yrs now and always did the fence thing, but a few yrs ago I started using Liquid Fence around my plants and I don't even use wire anymore and don't have a problem. There are tons of deer here where im at also there's a couple different products that claim the same results but they don't work only one that's been effective for me is the Liquid Fence brand. They sell it Wal Mart for 25 dollars a gallon and it'll go a long ways. But I don't even worry about deer rabbits and shit anymore


Well-Known Member
Do you use the liquid fence on the plants or just around them?
Nope I spray the plant , I don't really worry about once their up and been in the ground awhile. Especially once they've sexed out by then seems like theirs plenty to eat out there and deer don't mess with mine ive noticed