First Grow, 5ft x 2ft x 2ft


Active Member

Hi its my first grow, i have finally finished my box and got enough money to splash out and get myself a decent light and carbon filter. Im onli looking to grow one plant. What type of light would be best for this size of closet grow, 5ft x 2ft x 2ft?? Also should I buy a carbon filter or have a go at making one myself. Smell is a problem but would there be much off 1 plant.


Irish Toker


Well-Known Member
so let me get this right u have a box that is 5ft tall x2ft width x2ft length?? well if so the box will be fine for 1 far as light i whould go with a 400watt mh for veg then change the light to a 400watt hps for bloom.. that way u can get the most bang for the buck:hump:..make sure u use vents/fans or heat will be a problm.....and if ur going to grow 1 plant make sure its a germ about 6 or more or ur just wasteing time and money..good luck and:peace:


Well-Known Member
closets have heat problems. beware of shoving a 400 hps in there. for a 2 x 2 area a 250 will do fine plus the heat wont be as big of a can try the 400, hell IF you get it to stay at a good temp you would be growing tres inside. for that size area you could get 4 5 gallon buckets in there. so id say buy a 250 wt hps w/ mh conversion bulb. buy some good female seeds and figure out a GOOD vent system. i have a 400 in a closet 3 ft x5 ft x 7 ft tall my exhast is 200 ish cfm ?? ( sounds right)81-84 deg. got pix?


Well-Known Member
Hey bro I got one that size too. I have two intake fans and one exhaust fan. I have two plants in flowering vegged about 3-4 weeks. My temps are from 85-95 F' with a 400w hps with a 1/4" tempered glass and intake and exhaust fan in that section. So it is possible for 2 plants will be a little crowded. The tempered glass will help a lot.



Active Member
Thanks MeanGreen69, Archangel and Sick. Think ill go with a 250w as heat could be a big problem. the hydroponics store... This is the shop i am buying from as i can buy instore rather than online. I have no credit/debit card to buy online. I will get some pics up for you shortly. is smell a big problem off 1 plant??


Well-Known Member
yeah there right you will get more of a heat porblm with the 400watt.. go with the 250..u should be fine..good luck and peace